Chapter 141

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Chapter 141

    "It's a good thing we ran fast this time, otherwise we would have been overwhelmed by that snake!"

    Three hours later, Yan Mu, who had rushed all the way back to his old lair in the center of Shancheng City, had a rather grim expression after filling a whole pot of water. Heavy, but said very firmly: "It must have been spying on us all the time!"

    Zhao Bo has never used his brain very much. At this time, Yan Mu believed whatever he said, and nodded in agreement: "Sure. Yes, otherwise, why would we go to steal the bird's eggs with its front feet, and it would lay out so many eggs in front of us with its hind legs? It is clearly threatening and planting!"

    Sinan rubbed his brows with a bit of a headache, and couldn't help saying: "Don't think it's When it came out, I always felt that it wasn't that exaggerated..."

    "What's not that exaggerated, the treacherous snake pretended to be weak and lied to me last time, if it wasn't for the expeditioners to force out its true strength, I don't know what it would do Well..."

    Yan Mu said unconvinced: "It's the same this time, it's hard enough for us to deal with a pair of mutated birds, but it has brought so many eggs, if those mutated birds are all attracted, wouldn't it take us As its accomplice?"

    At this point, she added another sentence swearingly: "Maybe that big snake is just greedy for bird eggs, and it is specially looking for a substitute for the dead ghost!"

    Sinan: "..."

    Yan Muping didn't So childish!

    And if you want to talk about gluttony, you and Condor Hero Bai Jiahei are the only ones who feel gluttonous...

    Sinan is a little helpless to complain.

    At this time, Qi Ruan, who was silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Actually, I also think what Sinan said makes sense."

    Everyone looked at her instantly.

    Qi Ruan said unhurriedly: "Think about it, from the last time the snake showed weakness and showed favor to Yan Mu, it can be seen that it is not low in IQ, very cunning, and because of Yan Mu's beating it , it is still relatively timid towards Yanmu, so even though it is much stronger than us, it did not directly attack Yanmu, but took a roundabout way, ahem, last time it pretended to be weak and flew in the sky with Yanmu That time after a while...

    "So I think it suffered such a big loss last time, and it must not dare to force it this time, and don't you think its behavior this time is very similar..."

    Qi Ruan got stuck when he said this , After thinking for a long time, I came up with a suitable adjective: "Pleasant


    " Nodding calmly: "It followed us secretly, saw us stealing bird eggs, thought we needed or liked bird eggs, so it got it for us."

    Yan Mu: "..."

    She blinked blankly eyes, did not speak for a long time.

    Is that so?

    "It must be like this." Qi Ruan said firmly: "We all know that it has a high IQ, so if it really wants to design us, why doesn't it just attract the bird couple? Or when it steals eggs Deliberately making noise, causing the mutated bird to chase and kill, and then come to our side to cause trouble?

    "The reason why it didn't do this is to show its favor to us and ease the relationship! "

    Yan Mu: "..." It

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