Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

    Five minutes later, Hong Feng and Wu Feitian Tian who came with him were taken to the sofa area on the third floor of the factory building for tea.

    The water was boiled by Qi Ruan early in the morning, and the tea leaves were Grandpa Yan's personal collection. From the big villa to the small dangerous building, to the current factory building, Grandpa Yan has always taken good care of those pots of tea, it's a treasure.

    So just looking at sincerity, Yan Mu is already giving Hong Feng a lot of face.

    It's actually still early at this moment, Yan Yan had eaten enough yesterday, Mu Yi didn't dare to let her go to bed early, coaxed her to walk and dance, digesting food until late. He's probably still sleepy now, when Mu Yi dug him out of the bed, he still closed his eyes and moaned and didn't want to get up.

    The others got up early, and Yan Mu didn't fool Hong Feng. They really cooked porridge this morning. At this time, Qi Ruan was in control of the stove, and there was a gurgling sound in the pot. Full of the warm and sweet aroma unique to rice...

    Wu Fei rubbed his belly that was about to rebel, and then looked at the red pimples on Tian Tian's face that had gotten angry because he only ate barbecue these days. A sour sigh: "You said, just cooking, how can these people have so many tricks?"


    Among the cities they passed through along the way, the mountain city was considered peaceful, but even so, they were not happy. Only then can I find a good foothold and barely straighten out my life. It would be good if I can remember to eat two whole meals a day. How can I have the energy to make my food so delicate?

    In fact, yesterday's hot pot has already opened his eyes. The authentic taste and rich ingredients are definitely not inferior to any hot pot restaurant before the end of the world!

    It was even worse today, they still had time to cook porridge!

    If they hadn't turned their heads and could see through the window the desolate streets and the lush and outrageous trees outside, they would almost have the illusion that they were in the pre-apocalyptic world...

    Thinking of this, Wu Fei couldn't help but bend Hong Feng with his elbow.

    Hong Feng glanced at him lightly: "What are you doing?"

    Wu Fei winked at him, "Just now Yan Mu invited you to dinner, why didn't you?

    " You can also follow along a little bit, can't you?

    Hong Feng pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said briefly: "Because I want face!"

    Wu Fei: "..."


    In fact, if it weren't for Wu Fei and Tian Tian, ​​one is a thunder elementalist and the other is an ice elementalist , they could be regarded as the two most powerful fighters besides him in the team, Hong Feng really didn't want to wait for these two Tie Hanhans to come out.

    Nothing else, shame on you!

    Wu Fei's chest hurts from being blocked by Hong Feng's words. At this moment, Yan Mu walked over with a bottle of Laoganma in one hand and a bowl of porridge in the other. He put it on the table in front of the sofa and began to eat. , said vaguely in his mouth: "What's the matter, let's talk."

    Hong Feng didn't think that Yan Mu was impolite either. At this time, who would care about these details hypocritically: "Let's talk about it after you finish eating."

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