Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

    After suddenly losing his five senses, Yan Mu only felt as if he had entered a void space, and a deep sense of fear suddenly surged in his heart because he lost control of the outside world!

    Fortunately, Sinan's ability of less than the third level is not enough to support the perfect operation of this dark field. When the opponent attacked, it was probably a sudden burst of powerful energy that disturbed the still relatively fragile field. , the deprived five senses loosened a bit, and she suddenly felt the broken hair on her forehead fluttering quietly due to the sudden palm wind...

    So, after slapping away the palm of the person, relying on the opponent's figure Estimating the approximate distance between the two, Yan Mu turned around and kicked out!


    "Clatter..." The

    dull crashing sound was followed by the sound of heavy objects collapsing. Yanmu could feel that the deprivation of the five senses in this dark field was weaker, and it was at this time that She focused her unfocused eyes in one direction, and said in a

    deep voice, "Sinan!" The sound of her breathing, as well as the suppressed snort coming from not far from her left side returned with the smell of smoke and dust, instantly occupying all her senses!

    It was also at this time, as if the chaos had just opened, her eyes suddenly lit up, and a road that could only be passed by one person appeared... At the end of the road

    was Sinan.

    At this time, his face was a little pale, and he stretched out his hand in Yan Mu's direction: "Come here!

    " The direction from which the humming sound came from called him again, with a very firm voice: "This way, come again!" It

    is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's just that Yan Mu doesn't consider herself a gentleman, so if anyone offends her, she usually reports it on the spot!

    After Sinan pondered for a moment, a faint smile suddenly appeared on his slightly pale face, with indulgence that he didn't even notice: "Okay."

    After the words were finished, Yan Mu saw a figure staggering to his feet suddenly appeared in the dark place on the left.

    Sinan's abilities have been consumed a lot in previous battles, and with his current control over dark abilities, he can only reach this level at most.

    Yan Mu collected his mind, pursed his lips, and suddenly leaped forward with a stride, stomping his feet on the ground, his body jumped up and spun twice in mid-air, and with this centrifugal force, he suddenly pushed his leg down!

    "Boom..." The

    floor stretched out winding cracks in all directions due to her step just now. The person couldn't dodge it, so he had no choice but to raise his arms to block, and took advantage of the momentum to roll on the ground, taking off most of his strength. .

    Even so, Yan Mu also heard a crisp click...

    Obviously, the man's arm bone must be broken!

    It was also at this time that Sinan seemed to be unable to support the consumption of the domain any longer, and after a muffled grunt, the domain suddenly dissipated!

    It's a long story, but in fact, only a minute has passed since Yan Mu heard the movement on the second floor to when he went downstairs and kicked open the door to participate in the battle.

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