Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

    Just when Yanmu was racking his brains to think about how to persuade others to let her have a romantic date with Big Ginkgo in autumn; when the medium-sized buses of all the flower-armed social brothers also drove into the mountain city...

    the distance Two streets away from the industrial factory area, in the original site of a park that has turned into a dense jungle, Zhao Bo walked through it with Chen Lin, who was mostly recovered from his injuries, and was still conscientiously contributing to his farm plan!

    "I didn't intend to bother you. Yan Mu gave Zhang Tong to me before..."

    Zhao Bo smiled and put the live rabbit, which was tightly bound by the vines he released, into the big rabbit behind his back. In the back basket, he showed a simple and honest smile to Chen Lin: "But she took her away temporarily today, I think it's okay to leave you in the factory area, it's good to come out with me for a walk."

    Chen Lin : "..."

    He was holding back so he didn't roll his eyes at him!

    If you want to find a strong laborer to help you, you can just say it, and you have to make so many excuses!

    Although the evolutionary's physical recovery speed is more than twice as fast as before the end of the world, but yesterday he was carried back by the big cat named Prince...

    Thinking of this, Chen Lin couldn't help but glance at the careless and Chestnuts behind them.


    Among the three cats in Yan Mu's family, the crown prince is the oldest and the gentlest. If it wasn't for the unscrupulous Yan Mu who used snacks to trick him into doing something for him, he would usually not want to leave Mu Yi. Yan Yan was beside them.

    And Haitang is the youngest, and also likes to run behind Yan Mu who doesn't stay at home all day long...

    Lizi's personality is relatively arrogant, and she is obviously worried about Yanmu and doesn't want to show it, so she usually follows Haitang. When he doesn't want to go out with Yan Mu, he is worried that Yan Mu will be in danger, so he will take the initiative to follow her. If Haitang follows her, then he will either play with Yan Yan in the factory area, or go out with Zhao Bo to fight the tooth festival , the work and rest can be regular.

    Zhao Bo was so focused on hunting animals, so he didn't pay attention to Chen Lin's expression at the moment. He only said a few more words when he saw that he hadn't said a word: "You know that Hong Feng who came to see Yanmu and the others this morning Are men also gold elementalists?"

    Chen Lin turned his head abruptly, and asked curiously, "So is he?"

    "Yes, and he's also the captain of that team." Zhao Bo said slowly, "Before I was the first When I saw him for the first time, he killed a second-order mutant beast with one move..." Just

    chatting, in fact, it is very normal to perform three-point artistic processing.

    So Zhao Bo didn't explain that it was just a first-order mutated stray dog ​​that was about to break through to the second-order, but said meaningfully: "You are also a gold evolutionary, but you and Hong Feng give me completely different feelings." , in many cases, the ability needs more exercise to improve, don’t you think so?”

    When they were on the road together, under the circumstances at that time, the enhancer was indeed much easier to use than the elementalist, plus At that time, there was not enough spirit grease, so Si Nan usually chose to let Cao An act.

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