Chapter 149

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Chapter 149

    High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods. After a busy day, "Master Yan" finally started her favorite part after the end of the world!

    "The chickens, ducks, and piglets in these two pens are already the second generation..."

    Outside the farm, Zhao Bo pointed to the huge chicken pen, duck pen and pig pen and talked eloquently. Speaking of his old business, his tone seemed proud and nostalgic: "And compared with the first generation I caught from the wild, they are more docile and the meat is more delicate. Whether it is hot pot or barbecue, they are better than the first generation. The first generation is more delicious...

    "Recently, two hens have brooded, and I asked Qian Xin and the others to secretly put a third of duck eggs into the eggs they hatched.

    "According to last experience, they will hatch in about a few days. At that time, our farm will definitely be able to expand..."


    Actually, some time ago, Zhao Bo had already listened to Yan Mu and others It is suggested that Qian Xin and Zhang Tong should be given the management of the farm, but how could it be possible to let go of the dream that has been around for so long?

    So even now, when it comes to things about the farm, Zhao Bo is still logical...

    and when he talked about this, Zhao Bo paused for a moment before saying: "Didn't you put those little birds Did you hand it over to the golden mouse? What does that mouse know? You might as well get them all to the farm and play with the newly hatched chicks and ducklings!

    "When Condor Hero was young , the second generation has just hatched, and the princess liked to bring it over to play with the second generation chicks and ducklings here. So you see how well educated Condor Hero is now? It saved me directly by digging a hole before! "

    Yan Mu: "..." The case was     solved


    She said why the Condor Hero was so cowardly all day long that he could only twitter     . The record is still digging holes...

    Is this what a bird should do?

    It is because the preschool education is not done well, the skill tree is a little crooked!

    Yanmu glanced at Zhao Bo speechlessly, and decided not to let this batch of Air Force Reserves come to the farm to play!

    So she simply ignored Zhao Bo's bragging, ordered a chicken and a duck for Cao An to catch, and then walked to the front where Zhao Bo said the first generation of chickens and ducks were raised.

    After the apocalypse, everyone's physique has greatly improved, and their food intake has also increased a lot. Especially the evolutionists, if they really want to eat with an open stomach, it is not a problem for one person to kill a chicken in one meal!

    You know, today's chickens are as big as the big geese before the end of the world!

    So a chicken and a duck are just appetizers for Yan Mu and the others


    And seeing Yan Mu go straight to the first generation, it looks like he wants to pick a few, Zhao Bo Then he quickly reminded: "I really did a comparison, the first generation is indeed not as delicious as the second generation!

    " advantage."

    "What?" Zhao Bo was bewildered.

    If it's an advantage, why don't I know?

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