Chapter 114

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Chapter 114

    Looking at the [Clearer] not far away suddenly stopped still, I don't know why. Suddenly, a huge sense of crisis welled up in Yan Mu's heart!

    However, time was running out, and she couldn't think of where this sense of crisis came from. She could only rely on instinct to push Qi Ruan away while retreating, and said hurriedly: "Let's separate first, I always feel a little..."

    It's just that before she could finish her sentence, she saw [Clearer] suddenly raised his eyes to look at her, and the eyes that originally had three pupils suddenly shot out a dazzling red light at this moment, as if they were from the ancient martial arts stories of Tenglong Kingdom. It is often like going crazy, and the whole body is instantly filled with a sense of evil.

    The next second, it suddenly disappeared!

    Yan Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then his face changed drastically. He stomped heavily on the ground, and his whole body flew upside down like a ginkgo tree trunk.

    However, just halfway through the flight, she only felt a huge sense of crisis that made her skin start to tingle suddenly. In a flash, she only had time to block the half of the giant blade she had been holding in front of her body!


    There was a sound of a sharp blade piercing into the flesh, and a silver long sword about two meters long suddenly appeared in midair. It pierced her abdomen and penetrated directly.


    Long dark blue legs suddenly emerged from the air, and kicked Yan Mu hard, causing her to fly backwards at a faster speed than before.

    Huge pain hit, a fishy and sweet taste rushed into his throat, Yan Mu couldn't help showing a painful look, and spurted out a mouthful of blood...


    Yan Mu was hit hard on the ginkgo On the trunk of the tree, it weakly slid along the trunk and fell to the ground. The blood gushing out from the pierced wound dragged a long dark red bloodstain on the trunk.

    Less than five seconds passed between [The Clearer] suddenly launching an attack on Yan Mu, and then when Yan Mu fell to the ground powerlessly, and the battle turned around at this moment.

    The whole space instantly fell into a deathly silence.

    What everyone didn't expect was that [Clearer] would be so strong with all his strength!

    Suddenly escaping into space, and then flashing teleport... With

    the opponent's strength, they have no chance of turning defeat into victory!

    A huge despair surged into everyone's hearts in an instant, but at this time, Yan Cheng'an suddenly rushed out frantically, only the figure of Yan Mu powerlessly fell to the ground just now remained in his mind, his eyes were tearing apart, pushing a small hill The same Tudun rushed forward: "I'm fucking your grandma!"

    Si Nan, who was holding the fourth-level spirit grease, rushed out after Yan Cheng'an regardless of the severe pain of the bloody wound on his chest.

    He stared fixedly at the empty mid-air, with a crazy light flashing in his eyes.

    Although he doesn't know when the [Clearer] will end its stealth state and launch an attack, as long as the space near Yanmu is covered with a dark field, it will always be under his control.

    He still didn't use the final ultimate move that would hurt both sides...

    In fact, everyone suffered injuries to varying degrees in the initial explosion|explosion shock wave, but at this moment, no one hesitated, all gritted their teeth He rushed towards Yan Mu's position.

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