Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

    "Because everyone is busy during this period, after we planted that tree, we didn't pay much attention to it except watering it a few times..."

    Qi Ruan walked quickly with Yan Mu and Yan Chengan. Walking towards the yard, he explained: "The first one who noticed something was wrong was Haitang."

    "Haitang?" Yan Mu raised his eyebrows: "What's it doing?

    " She came back a little bit early.

    What can that fat cat do in such a short time?

    Qi Ruan's expression was weird, and he paused for a moment before saying: "You were not here before, so I don't know. When Haitang came back, besides the dozen quilts on his back, he also had a pheasant in his mouth..."

    Yan Mu: "..." It's

    amazing that I,

    Dagonia, can still catch a chicken with more than a dozen quilts on my back, this is going to heaven!

    "Maybe I also want to give myself an extra meal. After Haitang came back, he put the pheasant in the yard, and then he was going to let us put down the quilt before eating..."

    Qi Ruan still explained to Haitang, and then Then I got back to the topic: "But not long after it was put down, a long branch suddenly emerged from the tree and entangled the pheasant on the ground. None of us could react. The chicken took a few breaths It sucks

    until there are only chicken feathers left!" This is also the reason why Zhao Bo and Yan Cheng'an were the only two confronting the dozen or so people at the door.

    If they hadn't been caught by the sudden change here, they would have gone out to help!

    Yan Mu's footsteps stopped abruptly, and his expression suddenly became dignified.

    eat meat?

    So the tree came to life? And it also has some heterogeneous characteristics?

    "Then what's changed about it now? Is it acting aggressive? Is it isolated from other people?" Yan Mu said, his pace quickened a little unconsciously.

    By this time, she could already see the young tree in the yard that hadn't been planted for a long time.

    "No, it hasn't changed in any way!"

    Qi Ruan's expression was a little dazed: "It still looks like it had withered, yellow and half-dead leaves...

    " And at that time, Grandpa Yan and I were very close to it, but it was like It was as if he was not interested in us at all, and he didn't even move. " During the

    conversation, the three of them had already arrived in front of the small tree. Seeing that Mu Yiyanyan and Grandma Yan were all there, Yan Mu heaved a long sigh of relief, and turned his gaze to the small tree ten meters away.

    As Qi Ruan described, this tree is exactly the same as before, the leaves are half-yellow and not withered, and it still looks the same.

    If it weren't for the colorful chicken feathers scattered around the trunk, and the fried begonias beside it Mao, he looked as if he wanted to rush up and scratch the tree trunk immediately, Yan Mu really didn't expect it to do such a big thing!

    Seeing Yan Mu and the others coming over, the little fat girl who was carefully hugged by Mu Yi said Yan's eyes lit up, and she stretched out her hand and wanted to throw herself into Yan Mu's arms: "Sister, sister, I..." I did

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