Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

    Facts have proved that the essence of human beings is really fragrant!

    No matter how many doubts Zhao Bo had in his heart before, all doubts turned into shock at the moment when he saw that the four of Yan Mu were holding at least two or three mutant beasts in their hands...

    "Ancestor... He quickly stepped forward to help "unload the goods", and couldn't help but muttered to himself in a low voice: "Have you guys gone to dig out the strange beast nest?"

    There are chickens and rabbits here, it seems that this strange beast nest He took out more than one...

    Thinking of this, Zhao Bo raised his eyelids, and glanced at Yan Mu and Si Nan indistinctly.

    Tsk tsk...

    These two didn't roll around in the mud before, did they?

    Yan Mu didn't know Zhao Bo's slander, she threw everything on the ground, didn't even have time to wipe off the sweat, she just jumped on the roof of the car in two or three steps, and said loudly: "Everyone, come and gather together!" Ju, let's have a meeting!"

    All: "..."

    With your tone of voice, those who know know that you are in a meeting, and those who don't know think you are doing a big sale in the vegetable market!


    A few minutes later, even Grandpa Chen, who was taking a nap in the car, came over. Yan Mu didn't delay any longer, and said directly: "First of all, the first thing is, we can't stay here anymore, everyone pack up your things as soon as possible, let's try to leave within an hour!" After

    Yan Mu finished speaking, Zhao Bo and Chen Lin were still there. Without saying anything, Zhang Tong, who had the cheek to come over to attend the "meeting", yelled: "Didn't you say to stay here for a few more days? Why did you leave so soon?

    " It was a thrilling experience, and it was about digging holes and picking up treasures after the war. Before, my nerves were tense and I didn't feel it. Now I suddenly relaxed, and I only felt that the muscles all over my body were sore.

    Zhang Tong's sudden yell startled her, and after a while, she simply sat on the roof of the car and looked at him suspiciously while relieving her sore muscles: "I didn't say add you, don't you want to?" Why not be so excited?"

    Zhang Tong: "..." That's right


    He just realized that not only did he not succeed in poaching the wall, but he was not even considered their "insider"... ...

    so angry...

    Looking at Zhang Tong's face that instantly became comparable to the color palette, he couldn't understand why, but Chen Linqi's mother who had been watching the whole process of his digging the wall before, almost couldn't help laughing.     "Okay, let's clean it up right away." In the end, Qi's mother took the lead and said with a smile: "This is the first thing, is there anything


Qing Qing fumbled in the pocket of his original jacket, and finally took out a large handful of spirit grease mixed with yellow mud and grass leaves, and directly handed it to Zhao Bo.

    "Well, this is the second thing..." She said solemnly: "You can take it and advance to the second-level evolutionary first."

    Zhao Bo looked at Yan Mu, and then at that there was about one or two in her hand. Ten pieces of Lingzhi, with a dull expression, even looked a little silly at this moment.

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