Chapter 112

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Chapter 112

    "It's been one month and eight days since this kid Su Yuan awakened to become an evolutionary..."

    Under the big ginkgo, Cao An, who was wearing a black armor and looked even more burly, held a piece of grass in his mouth, and his face didn't know whether it was embarrassment or joy. With a complicated expression: "Are we being sent pigeons by aliens?"


    At this time, the afternoon sun was just right, leaving brilliant light and shadow on the ground through the gaps in the leaves. Everyone was fully armed, Holding the latest weapon that is also the most handy weapon, he looks around.

    In the middle of their encirclement, the other two [Awakened Ones] brought here by Su Yuan and Yan Chengan were sitting on the ground leaning on the big ginkgo tree.

    But except for Su Yuan who was seriously absorbing the spirit fat to stabilize the third-level strength he had just broken through, the other two were paralyzed as if they had no bones, like salted fish who didn't want to turn over.

    In fact, if it weren't for Cao An's strength, the two would have already run away.

    Inexplicably kidnapping people, but just not letting them leave, offering delicious food and drink, and what else..."Spiritual stones come" to practice and advance, can this not be tricky?

    Also aliens?

    It's obviously the background of the end of the world, but it's even being dragged into the interstellar world, it's a lie!

    Sci-fi movies don't act like this?

    Thinking of this, they looked at the tall and outrageous ginkgo tree above their heads, and they couldn't help feeling a great panic in their hearts.

    Could it be... Could it be that they want to fatten them up like pigs, and then use them as sacrifices for this tree?


    Actually, Cao An and the others were also persuasive at first for these two people, but after they found that it was useless to say anything, they gave up.

    Anyway, if they don't care, these two people are destined to disappear. If they are here, the hope of survival is greater...

    Zhao Bo was standing next to Cao An. He not only had the armor made of black beetles on his body, he also used his own ability to grow vines as thick as iron wire, wrapping himself up and down, making him look strong. After a few laps, it was armed to the teeth!

    This is a habit formed after Yan Mu swung him as a weapon a few times.

    Hearing Cao An's words now, he pondered for a while, then suddenly turned his head to look at Sinan, who was bowing and putting an arrow on the other side: "Sinan, what are you talking about... [Clearer] Seeing so many people on our side, would you Won't you stop coming?"


    Sinan loosened his strings, and shot his long arrow straight into the center of the target fifty meters away.

    While drawing another arrow from the quiver behind him, he smiled and said, "Uncle Zhao, what you said is like asking: Is the lion afraid of the rabbit?

    " How could the high gods be afraid of these native ants?


    Zhao Bo shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said, "The last time Zhao Lu woke up and these [clearers] appeared in the early 20 days. I think it has been more than a month now, so I wonder if they are The number is enough, it won't come..."

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