Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 I'm Awakened

    "Why are you here?" Seeing Chen Lin, Yan Mu's expression was quite disgusted.

    She felt that she probably didn't get along with Si Minmin and his group. Every time she met them, nothing good would happen...

    Thinking of this, she glanced at Chen Lin, looked around and saw no one else, and then slowly Said: "You are not going to encircle and suppress martial arts masters now, but instead block roads and rob roads?"

    Chen Lin jumped off the roof and rushed towards the off-road vehicle, almost wagging his tail happily. He didn't answer Yan Mu's words directly, but said in a brisk voice: "Sister Wuji, I really didn't expect to meet you here. You guys came too timely!

    " Qi's mother, who was driving, smiled and said hello: "Hello Zhiruo, teacher too."

    Zhiruo? Master?

    Qi's mother was at a loss for this title, but Qi Ruan knew it well, and immediately gave Chen Lin a hard look, and replied, "Then are you a deer sticker or a crane pen man?"

    Chen Lin: "... I'm not lewd!"

    Qi Ruan: "Oh, hello Luzhangke!"

    Chen Lin: "..."

    I'm going to step on this stinky mouth!

    Seeing Chen Lin's gloomy face, Yan Mu, who felt unlucky because he met this guy, almost couldn't hold back his laughter. After a while, he coughed twice and continued: "Here...are you alone?"

    Chen Lin was in embarrassment. Borrowing the donkey from the slope, he immediately changed the subject, pointed behind him after a few smirks, and said meaningfully: "Where is your Minmin!"

    Yan Mu: "..."

    That horse riding is not my Minmin!

    While Chen Lin was speaking, his eyes also swept around the off-road vehicle, and finally fell on Zhao Bo, the only fresh face, and asked doubtfully, "Could this be..."


    "My uncle..." Yan Mu didn't expect Chen Lin's thoughts to break down again. He just explained something briefly, then turned slightly to block Chen Lin's sight, looked at him firmly and said, "Now I've recounted the past , if there is nothing else, get out of the way, we have to go!" As he

    spoke, he raised his chin to signal Qi Ruan to start the car, and it looked like he completely remembered the sentence Chen Lin yelled at the beginning, "Jianghu emergency "I forgot about it.

    Yan Mu didn't want to expose Zhao Bo's identity at the moment, and he didn't want others to know that he was injured, so he turned sideways to block him, and from Chen Lin's direction, he could only see a tall and burly figure.

    No matter what the characters of Chen Lin and the others are, they still have to be vigilant. This is the way to survive in the last days.

    Sure enough, Chen Lin looked a lot more honest after glancing at the tall figure whose face could not be clearly seen, and he didn't dare to be rude again. He said hello uncle, then turned to look at Yan Mu, his voice became solemn and sincere: " Sinan is injured, we need help!"

    The expression on Yan Mu's face suddenly became serious.

    Simon was injured?


    Five minutes later, looking at Sinan lying on a blanket on the ground with a black face, as if he needed to use all his strength for every breath, Yan Mu sighed lightly: "You've hit it!" Seven insects and seven flowers ointment?"

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