Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

    Who is running us?

    If it was before today, probably no one would understand the meaning of this sentence, but from now on, it will be like an abyss in the deep sea, and every time you think about it, it will make people feel scared!

    On the third floor, in the sofa area, at the temporary small table, everyone's bodies are straight but stiff, and the atmosphere is dull and depressing.     Sitting next to Yan Mu, Qi Ruan was confused and could n't

    help tugging at his sleeves, and said in a low voice, "What are you talking about?"

In the fog, I feel old and curious!

    Yan Mu glanced at him, wondering what he thought of, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled into a slight arc, and said with a smile: "When you said that we were hiding in the cafeteria of Haicheng University on the first day after the end of the world, you and The three types of the last days I talked about..."

    At this point, Yan Mu blinked and said meaningfully: "Which three are they? I can't remember clearly!"

    Qi Ruan didn't notice Yan Mu at all. Mu Shi dug a hole for her to jump, and when he heard that it was a topic she was interested in, he immediately answered the conversation with excitement: "Resident Evil Type, Alien Invasion Type, Reiki Recovery Type!

    " , She explained the three types in detail one by one by herself, completely ignoring the increasingly strange eyes of others when they looked at her.     At the end, she said with a lot of thought: "I told Yan Mu at the time that according to my experience over the years, the end times we have now must be the type of alien invasion. She didn't believe me at the time, and... "     As he spoke, Qi Ruan suddenly got stuck.     She looked at the dozen or so people around her who seemed to be looking at her with murderous eyes, and couldn't help but rubbed against Yan Mu: "Why are you all looking at me like this?"     Yan Chengan looked at this silly girl without words, Suddenly wiped his face, and said with a disappointed face: "It's nothing, we just want to see what the crow's mouth looks like!"     Qi Ruan: "..."     ...

    Looking at Qi Ruan with a black question mark face, the others didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

    Si Nan is fine, he met Qi Ruan only a few hours later than Yan Mu, and he knows what type of crow's mouth she is.

    And Hong Feng and the security captain had only heard them mention Qi Ruan when they were chatting with Sinan and Cao An before, but they never took it seriously.

    Well, crow's mouth, maybe it's just bad luck every time at the right time...

    I didn't expect... It

    's really a real person who doesn't show her face...

    If they didn't see her break through to the third-level fire elementalist with their own eyes, they would have thought This guy awakened the prophecy department!

    Seeing that the entire depressed and depressed atmosphere was covered by Qi Ruan's resentment and anger, Yan Mucai returned to the topic with a satisfied smile.

    "Although this guess sounds a bit far-fetched, it's not impossible..."

    Yan Mu said slowly: "At least so far, we can't use any means to scientifically explain the voice that appeared in our minds." The reason, isn't it?"

    Hong Feng heard this, and then he looked away from Qi Ruan, who was stared at with numbness, and after a moment of contemplation, he said: "You mean, it is the civilization from the outer world that caused all this?"

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