Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Wuji, Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo

    And after hearing that familiar voice, Yan Mu's heart suddenly seemed to have countless muddy horses galloping and whizzing past...

    Why is it me again?

    I still want to ask why it's you again!

    She paused for a moment, and after a while, as if she didn't hear anything, she quickened her pace and walked forward.

    "Forget it, something is better than nothing...Girl, please do me a favor, thank you very much!"

    "Oh wait, don't go away..."

    "Damn it, you must force me to use more tricks, right?"

    After a while , A loud roar suddenly sounded behind Yan Mu: "Wuji! Is it you Wuji? I need your help, Wuji!"

    Yan Mu: "..."

    This is not mentally handicapped!

    The veins on her forehead twitched violently, and she couldn't hold back the prehistoric power that was about to gushe out of her heart after holding back for a long time, and turned her head suddenly to look in the direction of the sound.


    I saw that in the circular flower bed about 40 to 50 meters behind Yan Mu, Si Nan and his party were like sunflowers following the rotation of the sun, looking at her with straight faces.

    Si Nan stood in the middle of the three of them, and now he raised his head and grinned, showing her dazzling white teeth.

    Yan Mu: "..."

    No wonder Qi Ruan said that just by looking at Si Nan's face, he thought he was the protagonist. Even Yan Mu had to admit that this guy was the prettiest boy among all the people even if he stood in the crowd. !

    However, their situation at this time was a bit uneasy...

    There were three people in the flower bed, but at this time, including Sinan, all three of them were firmly bound by a few vines extending from the center of the flower bed.

    This mutated plant is slightly smaller than the blood-sucking vine that Yan Mu saw in the cafeteria of Haicheng University, but it also has three thick and tough main vines, and the mutated vines are extremely tough. On a human body, it looks very permeable.

    The key is that the vines are entwined with the arms of Sinan and the others, like wrapping around rice dumplings. Now Sinan and the others can only use their feet to hook the flower bed wall to barely stabilize the pulling force, and they cannot shake the main vine at all. .

    What's even more unfortunate is that the few knives they brought fell about two or three meters away from them at this time, so that they can't even break free now.

    This was probably why Sinan asked her for help.     After all, their first meeting was not

    very pleasant. If Yan Mu was in Sinan's position, she would never seek Sinan's help if she was in Sinan's position.

Probably, then he stopped ten meters away from the flower bed, turned his gaze to Sinan who was smiling flatteringly at her, and said in a flat and expressionless voice: "Zhao Min, is this the attitude you use to ask for help?"

    Sinan's bright smile instantly froze on his face.

    Zhao... Zhao Min?

    "Puff ha ha ha ha..."

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