Chapter 148

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Chapter 148

    That is a strange creature that everyone has never seen before!

    Its whole body is blue-black, and the main part is a huge and ugly tree tumor, and it has a faint tendency to become fleshy. As it moves, the tree tumor is like a heart, beating slowly at a regular frequency... …

    The bamboo arrow that Sinan shot before was stuck on the tree tumor at this time, and a dark viscous liquid flowed from the wound of the tree tumor. The tough bamboo arrow that Sinan specially took from the purple bamboo forest was corroded by this liquid There was a sizzling sound, and the whole root was about to break off.

    And outside the huge tree burl, there are countless branches that resemble vines.

    Probably because of the pain, it frantically waved its vines in all directions at this time, and deep dents were drawn out on the ground under its frenzy, and the calm pool before became turbid, with bean-sized water drops Like rain, crackling and falling




    "Clatter..." The

    chaotic sound was mixed with water droplets shooting out like arrows and the lashing of vines It poured down crazily together, and everyone was stunned under this stormy attack.

    No one thought that the body of this parasitic species would be so big, including Yan Mu.

    However, in this way, the distance that Yan Mu told others to retreat was far from enough.

    At this time, seeing that several people were injured by this sudden attack, Yan Mu turned his head and shouted at Zhao Bo and the others: "Uncle Zhao, Brother Hong, Qi Ruan, block it for now!

    " A wood elementalist, Qi Ruan is a fire type, and Hong Feng is a gold type. One is of the same origin, one is restrained, and the other is aggressive and strong. With Sinan at the side to support, not to mention that it is safe, at least it is no problem to get out of the body.

    And Zhao Bo and the others didn't say anything, and rushed forward.

    Yan Mu turned her head and rushed to the rear. Relying on her fast speed and strong physical fitness, she carried the people who were injured in the indiscriminate attack on the parasitic species' body just now and threw them out of the battle circle one by one.

    "Run farther away!"

    Not far away, Qin Rui just stabilized his figure, and when he saw Yan Mu's movements, he wiped his face and joined in without saying a word.

    Just now, the ones on Yanmu's side either avoided it far in advance, such as Haitang Baijiahei, etc., or their own strength is strong enough to withstand the aftermath of such an attack, such as Qi Ruan Hongfeng, so the injured are basically anyway. People from Qin Rui's side who are not so fast.

    And Qin Rui is also very clear that after solving the hidden dangers behind, Yan Mu will continue to join the battle circle, so naturally the sooner the better!




    At the same time, around the pool, a fire dragon more than ten meters long circled and roared upwards from Qi Ruan's body. The water was evaporated and boiled, and a thick white mist instantly rose from the entire space.


    A branch of the parasite's body was almost completely scorched. Under the severe pain, it let out a painful hiss, and all the branches lashed wildly and indiscriminately like a group of demons dancing wildly.

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