Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

    At this time, the factory building, the staircase on the third floor.

    Yan Mu was carrying a giant blade, a waterproof jacket, clothes, shoes and hats. He looked fully armed and was about to go out. Looking at the little chubby girl in front of him, the veins on his forehead twitched, and the sound seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. "I'll say it for the last time, let go!"

    Yan Yan lowered her head, holding the book on Yan Mu's thigh even tighter: "I don't!"

    Yan Mu laughed angrily at her rascal appearance, and simply said : "Okay, don't let go, right? Then you just hold it like this."

    After speaking, he took a step forward.

    Anyway, with her current strength, it's not a problem to carry a little Douding weighing only a few dozen catties on one leg.


    As soon as Yan Mu took a step, the little fat girl screamed in fright.

    post-apocalypse. The elevator was out of service, she was walking up the stairs, and when she was walking, she deliberately raised the leg held by Yan Yan high and then put it down. The feeling of weightlessness, coupled with the narrow and steep staircase arc, was indeed Somewhat scary.

    If it wasn't for Yan Yan who was dressed like a ball, and her physique had also improved a lot, and she was able to hold her legs tightly, Yan Mu wouldn't have dared to scare her like this.


    Among the accompaniment of a high-pitched scream, Yan Mu walked down the stairs slowly, then looked at Yan Yan who was just howling but didn't shed a single tear, and said with a smile, "Do you still want to hold on? Seeing

    Yan Mu's gloating expression, Yan Yan felt infinite grievances in her heart, and said with a smothered mouth, "You're scaring me, I'm going to tell Dad!"

    Yan Mu's smile remained unchanged: "Go, see Dad knows what I want Going to do business and you pester me to delay my time, will he scold me or scold you!"

    Yan Yan: "..." That's

    too much!


    She knew from an early age that her home was different from other people's.

    Even if Yan Mu is more than ten years older than her, as long as she does something wrong or makes trouble unreasonably, her parents will never protect her because of her young age...

    Thinking of this, the little fat girl felt a little guilty , After a while, he muttered in a low voice: "Don't you know that you let the child?

    " Her head: "Tell me, did you cause trouble again?"

    Yan Yan's little chubby girl suddenly felt insulted, and immediately blushed angrily: "No! I didn't cause trouble!"

    Yan Mu raised his eyebrows, Gradually put away her smile: "Then why have you been pestering me for the past two days? Don't you want me to give you a favor?"

    After all, this kind of thing happened when Yan Yan was two or three years old, and Yan Chengan and Mu Yi didn't know her nature yet. It has happened many times.

    It was the fat girl who broke the cup, she was the one who ate the biscuits, she was the one who secretly put caterpillars in Yan Cheng's and An Muyi's quilts, and then accidentally blamed her on her head...

    Although due to age And experience, some methods of setting the blame are quite clumsy, but they are disgusting enough. Back then, Yan Mu was so angry with this girl that he wanted to stuff her back into Mu Yi's stomach again.     After hearing Yan Mu's words, Yan Yan's dark eyes rolled around a few times, and after a while she showed a big and bright smile: "Sister, good sister. I will be five and a half years old after the new year! Don't you think I've grown up and can go out and play?"     Yan Mu was stunned for a moment.     She said why this girl has been so abnormal these two days...     Then she refused very firmly: "No."     "Why not?"     Yan Yan stopped holding her thigh now, and struggled from He got up on the ground, folded his hips like a teapot, and said angrily: "You have locked me up for a long time, and never let me go out to play. I used to see other children when I was in kindergarten. Don’t children have human rights? You are the best!”

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