Chapter 134

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Chapter 134

    "I really just want to hug it..." In the

    empty space surrounded by people from Yanmu's side, Qu Shao wiped off his sweat and accidentally touched the wound on his cheek where the princess scratched , couldn't help but gasped, and hissed: "But I just picked it up and it scratched me, I really didn't want to hurt it!"


    They entered the center of Shancheng City because of the power mentioned by the middle-aged population who had given them information before they were looking for them, and suddenly saw a cute round roll playing by the side of the road.

    Even before the apocalypse, it is very difficult to see such a super cute animal as a national treasure. Even if you go to the zoo, you have to queue up to see it. In the country of Tenglong, it is difficult for men, women and children to resist their beauty. Qu Shao I didn't expect to see such a cute thing in this kind of place, and I felt itchy for a while, so I wanted to go forward and hug it, but I didn't expect...

    such a little thing, why is it so cruel?


    At this time, Yuzhou looked at the crowd who suddenly appeared and surrounded them in just a few minutes, and felt that the energy in these people was not weaker than them, and even had a faintly domineering energy, and his heart sank a little. , the body

    tensed up instantly, and unconsciously put on a defensive posture: "Everyone, we are not hostile, is there some misunderstanding?" The Zhao Bo who spoke was Sinan Wufei and his joint hunting team. When they saw the new faces, they didn't show their faces, but they couldn't help but raise their hearts.     Although their biggest enemies are still the [Expeditionist] and the big snake, human beings are a race that has evolved from civil wars. The history of human development is a history of cannibalism. Driven by absolute interests, Under the circumstances, these so-called companions are far less reliable than Haitang.     Nobody let their guard down.     In this silent confrontation, after observing the three of them for a while, Sinan suddenly stepped forward and showed a faint smile: "Everyone looks strange, aren't they locals?"     "Yes."

    "No..." The

    first voice was Qu Shao, and the second voice was Yu Zhou. After hearing Yuzhou's words, Qu Shao suddenly turned his head to look at him.

    Didn't you say check the news first!

    However, Yuzhou's face did not change at all, he just said calmly: "We are not locals, nor are we refugees who came to the mountain city some time ago, but we have no hostility."

    Yuzhou wanted to hide his identity, but things have come to this point, A random person here is a third-order evolutionary, and there is even a little bit of strength that even he can't see through.

    Lying in front of these people is pointless.

    Wu Fei stroked his dreadlocks, with a sneering expression on his face: "You two should talk to each other first."

    Sinan's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't see their embarrassment, but said: "You guys come to the mountain city to do it. What?"

    "I want to inquire about a piece of information, and confirm one thing by the way." Yuzhou was very sincere: "If possible, I hope to meet with your leader or captain once."


    Si Nan and Wu Fei suddenly looked at each other, seeing the blankness in each other's eyes.

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