Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

    Since the beginning of global evolution and changes in the world, Yan Mu has been dealing with mutant creatures...

    It is said that it is the end of the world, but in fact, the main protagonist in science fiction stories-zombies has not appeared in their world. The only thing that would pose a threat to their lives were these mutated creatures.

    In fact, Yan Mu didn't understand how the story of the so-called zombies spread so widely. After all, if you look at the characteristics of the zombies, it doesn't conform to the law of energy conservation at all.

    The brain is dead, and the organs in the body have stopped functioning, can they still move freely? And he also likes to eat fresh flesh and blood, and his sense of smell and hearing are also very sensitive...

    Do you really think this is a fantasy world!

    If there is such a creature, the perpetual motion machine may appear together


    It's just that in the past two months, except for the time when Yanmu encountered the beast tide, he saw a few powerful beast kings who had awakened the ability of the element system In addition, after such a long time, I have never seen such a powerful mutant creature.

    It was also because of this that Yan Mu almost forgot that there was such a powerful existence among the mutant beasts. At this moment, he suddenly saw the giant wolf spit out ice light, and blurted out the phrase "wolf with both magic and martial arts" so dramatically.

    But now, she couldn't help but get distracted!

    In the blink of an eye, seeing the light blue ice bullets with icy air enlarging in his pupils, Yan Mu's toes were a little above the wall, and his body also flew out obliquely with this force, and at the same time he let out a loud roar : "Be careful, dodge quickly!"


    As soon as the words fell, the ice bomb hit the wall, and a huge roar suddenly resounded through the sky!

    "Huh la la..."

    Yan Mu could only feel his feet shaking for a while, and he could hardly stabilize his figure. At the same time, the position where they were before was also hit by this move with a gap about three meters wide. Tian Tian, ​​Chen Lin and the others Things like ice thorns and golden blades attached to the wall all fell to the ground!


    Yan Mu was about to pay attention to the situation of the others, to see if they were injured in the attack just now, but just as he turned his gaze away, another howl of a wolf came from his ears, and the distance seemed to be quite close...

    She turned her head, Looking up, I saw the giant wolf leaping forward again. Its snow-white and bloody red hair shone like a dazzling luster under the sun. It leaped up gracefully, and rushed into the gap through the gap in an instant. Their defense zone!

    In a trance, Yanmu seemed to see the figures of Haitang Yanyan...

    At this moment, her mind was blank, and her thoughts were burnt to dust by anger, and she almost used the fastest speed in her life to attack the giant wolf. go!

    I fuck it uncle!


    Also at this moment, there was the whistling sound of sharp blades cutting through the air, and a long arrow seemed to come from outside the sky, directly hitting the scarlet eyes of the giant wolf!

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