Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

    In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was just dawn, Hong Feng and Brother Baoan came one after another.

    Hong Feng still took Wu Fei and Tian Tian with him. The three of them had strong attack power, cooperated tacitly, and were used to acting together. Brother Baoan also had three people. In addition to the captain of the security team, there was also a wind elementalist and a strengthener.

    And this time, Sinan also learned how to behave. In addition to Cao An, he also brought Chen Lin who had become a third-level evolutionary. On Yan Mu's side were Zhao Bo and Qi Ruan, plus Li Zi, Bai Jiahei and Golden Retriever who wanted to go back to their hometown, so they were the most powerful among the group.

    Just after seven o'clock, a group of twelve people plus three cats, mice and bears were ready, and they all walked to the gate to prepare for departure.


    It's just that the group hadn't gone far, when Qi Ruan suddenly looked sideways at Mother Qi who was following her, and couldn't help but ask, "Mom? You want to go out too?"

    Mother Qi nodded with a smile: "Yes , I’ve never been here, and I haven’t gone out to play a few times.”

    Qi Ruan asked again: “Where are you going to play, you can’t go too far!”

    Qi’s mother replied: “City center, don’t worry, Where are you going, I'll go!"


    Qi Ruan's sudden increase in volume caught the attention of Sinan and the others who were walking in front, and they turned their heads to look at the mother and daughter.

    "The city center is so dangerous, why are you going there!" Qi Ruan widened her eyes and said angrily, "No, I don't agree!"

    She almost gave her life to be there last time, how could she allow herself Mother put herself in danger again?

    But Qi's mother just gave her a contemptuous glance, and said slowly: "You have grown up since you were a child, what do I do that require your consent? Qi Xiaoruan, I didn't care about you for two or three days, you are swollen!"

    Qi Ruan: "..."

    Is this the same thing?

    At this time, Chen Lin and others who had heard the whole process came over to persuade: "Yes, Auntie, just listen to Qi Ruan, the city center is really dangerous, so you follow, how can we rest assured?" !"

    Zhao Bo also echoed: "Yes, big sister, don't worry, we will definitely take care of Qi Ruan for you."

    Qi's mother looked at Zhao Bo with a half-smile and said, "You think I'm worried about Qi Ruan so I insisted on following him What?"

    Zhao Bo said with an innocent face, "Isn't it?"

    She turned to look at Chen Lin again: "You feel dangerous because you think I'm too weak?"

    Chen Lin also looked at her fixedly.

    isn't it?

    "Okay..." Mother Qi began to roll up her sleeves as she spoke, "Draw out the sword!"

    Everyone: "..."


    Qi's mother stretched out her hand to Chen Lin, and solemnly put on an invitation to fight: "Let's speak with strength, whoever loses is a weak chicken, and whoever stays in the safe zone, how about?" Before

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