Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    Yan Mu's body froze at this moment.

    After a while, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Qi Ruan in disbelief.

    Could it be that this crow's mouth really hit the mark?

    Is this really an alien invasion type?


    Yan Mu is very sure that the voice that just appeared in her mind is not a hallucination.

    To achieve this point, besides the intervention from an unknown high-level civilization, is there any other possibility?

    Is the so-called system?

    Or is it something completely beyond their imagination?

    Yan Mu could quickly calm down and come up with a plan to deal with sudden changes in the end of the world, but the voice that sounded in her consciousness just now made her mind instantly confused, and she completely lost her sanity and control.

    If it is just that the creatures on the earth are mutated for some reason, she can still use the knowledge she has learned and her understanding of the habits of animals and plants to make corresponding countermeasures, but if the driving force behind all this is science and technology What else can she do with an unknown civilization that has dominated mankind for so many years?


    "What's the matter with you?" I

    don't know how long it took, until Qi Ruan stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes, Yan Mu gradually regained his consciousness and reason, and then saw Qi Ruan's enlarged picture in front of her eyes. Face.

    Before she could react, her body was one step ahead of her consciousness, and she distanced herself from Qi Ruan like a conditioned reflex.

    "Are you too tired?" Qi Ruan was worried, and didn't care about Yan Mu's movements. She took the kitchen knife and the lid of the pressure cooker from her hand, and said in a low voice: "Go to sleep, I'll be there later tomorrow Call again..."

    At this moment, Yan Mu suddenly grabbed her wrist with his backhand.

    Qi Ruan stopped abruptly before saying anything, and looked up at Yan Mu suspiciously.

    "Let me tell you..." Yan Mu looked at Qi Ruan solemnly: "I just drew my breath into my body!"

    Qi Ruan: "..."


    Ten minutes later... I

    learned that Qi Ruan's jaw could hardly close because of what happened during the few hours she was sleeping, she looked Yan Mu up and down carefully, and suddenly whispered: "Then do you feel any changes now? ?"

    Yan Mu thought for a while, and really closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing.

    About two minutes later, she opened her eyes, and suddenly stretched out her hand to weigh the lid of the pressure cooker, which she used as a shield, and said with a strange expression: "I don't feel anything else, but...the strength seems to be a little stronger."

    Is this [ Enhancer] evolution direction?

    Hearing this, Qi Ruan murmured with a dreamy face: "My Buddha..."


    Conscience of heaven and earth, the three forms of the last days she talked about in the cafeteria during the day were all nonsense to relieve her nervousness at that time. Thinking about it now, it really came true...

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