Chapter 150

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Chapter 150

    After categorically rejecting Wu Fei's unreasonable request, Yan Mu took the picked peppers and went directly to the other side.

    As the best descendant of the post-apocalyptic dark cooking world, is she the kind of person who changes her cooking method in order to understand the thoughts of diners?

    of course not!


    Not far away, the Haitangs who had been playing around outside just happened to come back. Seeing that Yanmu looked like he was about to cook, Lizi overtook the Haitangs in front of him in two or three steps, and took a piece of meat in his mouth. The big herring was placed in front of Yan Mu, and gave her a soft cry.


    Yan Mu squatted down, flicked the big fish weighing about twenty catties with great interest, then touched Lizi's head with a smile, and comforted him: "Okay, I'll take it later." I cooked this fish for you!"

    Since the stray black cat had to bring its own "ingredients" every time it came to eat, Haitang and the others also learned this "good" habit. It's nothing to eat when you usually eat, but if you want to eat something suddenly and want Yan Mu to help prepare an extra meal, you will usually bring your own ingredients.     It was only after Yan Mu saw this fish that he realized that in addition to cooking a separate pot of soup for the elderly who did not become evolutionaries, these fluffy foods also had to be prepared separately.     Pet food generally has less salt and less salt. Although I don't know if there will be any changes after evolution, it may be better to be safe.     On the side, Bai Jiahei, who was crying after being scolded by chili peppers, and later coaxed by Yan Mu with an apple, saw the situation, the small eyes hidden under the dark circles rolled around, and after a while, it held up the half-eaten apple In front of Yan Mu, he started screaming.     It wants it too!     Yan Mu, who was almost slapped by half an apple, said, "..."     You are such a clever little ghost!

    Yan Mu was almost laughed out of anger, and after a while, he picked up Bai Jiahei's ear with one hand, and said with a blunt smile: "You are quite good at doing business now! Why, what do you want me to do with this half apple?" Do it? Boil? Steam? Or deep-fry or hot pot?"

    Yan Mu's original intention was to ridicule, but the child was stupid, blinked his eyes and thought for a while, and then pointed to the big pot that had been set up on the stove next to him The chili pepper in He Yanmu's hand screamed.

    Hot pot, hot pot, it has never eaten this kind of pot, and Yan Mu refuses to let him eat it every time, it has long been greedy.

    Yan Mu: "..."

    Why didn't I realize that Bai Jiahei was such a soul player before?

    After being speechless for a while, Yan Mu simply didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, turned around and called the fireman Qi Ruan, and began to prepare for it.

    Forget it, what is she fussing about with a silly child!

    It was also at this time that Si Nan came over.

    At this time, he was holding the princess who was holding his arm and would not let go of her claws, and the Condor Hero who walked out of the steps that his relatives did not recognize was walking beside him, followed by the golden mouse and a group of young birds who had just joined F6...

    That momentum...

    Tsk tsk!

    Seeing Yan Mu, Si Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked over in three quick steps.

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