Chapter 127

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Chapter 127


    Yan Mu fell down suddenly with the force of kicking the snake, but after breaking more than a dozen ginkgo branches, her speed of descent also slowed down.

    Then she seized the opportunity, and after breaking off four or five slightly thicker branches in a row, she finally eased the downward momentum, and the whole person was suspended in the air like this.

    Looking at the picture below that was blocked by the dense branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree so that the ground could not be seen at all, Yan Mu heaved a long sigh of relief, feeling a sense of trance after a catastrophe.

    This height...

    If she really falls, even if she is a fourth-order enhancer, she will be thrown to the bone and the flesh will be flesh, right?

    By the way, does the big ginkgo grow nearly two hundred meters long?

    This height is too scary...

    Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look up above her head.

    She wasn't sure if that old Yinbi of Jiao Snake would continue to chase him down, but [Expeditionist] would definitely catch up, right?

    Thinking of this, Yan Mu didn't dare to be careless anymore, and immediately found the next point of leverage, ready to jump all the way down.

    Not to mention that she couldn't fully display her strength in mid-air, she still felt very insecure.


    Just when she was about to jump down, a loud noise that was more terrifying than the previous few times suddenly erupted above her head. Accompanied by the painful roar of the snake and the scorching air waves, a powerful The vigor swept over, and the entire canopy of the ginkgo tree seemed to be flattened.

    Yan Mu stared dumbfounded at the golden ginkgo leaves falling one after another, like a golden rain, and because the crown of the tree was flattened, she could vaguely see through the gaps in the branches and leaves. The situation outside.

    In the mid-air, most of the snake's tail was completely broken off, and a large amount of blood flowed down, and the snake rolled and moved in pain for a while in mid-air, then suddenly faced the direction of [Expeditionist], With scarlet eyes, a group of purple flames spewed out from the mouth roaring.

    Yan Mu was about 40 to 50 meters away from the center of the battle, but even so far, there were trees and leaves in the middle, but the scorching waves of purple flames even made her float in mid-air by the wind. The ends of her hair were scorched, and the flames were a hundred times stronger than Qi Ruan's now.     And the last time Yan Mulian used the fifth-order praying mantis giant blade without any effect, the expeditioner gradually melted under the scorching flames, and the "turrets" protruding from all parts of his body were also melted into molten iron by the flames. Yan Mu even saw the black smoke coming out of it, and after stagnating in mid-air for a moment, it suddenly fell straight down.     This is broken?     Yan Mu: "..."     Damn it!     There is no other word that can describe her thoughts at this moment better than swear words like shit!     Yan Mu stared blankly at the scene above, half of his hair was burnt without realizing it, and it took a long time to recover.     However, the first time she came back to her senses, only two things crossed her mind.     First: The Expeditionists were dealt with by the Serpent. Has the crisis they faced this time also been resolved?     Second: Fuck you, big snake, you old yinbi obviously have such a tyrannical trick that you haven't used it just now, you didn't dare to do anything, and you learned to use bitter tricks just to plot against her, right?     What about trust between man and beast?     did you see?     We just signed a friendship boat less than an hour ago?     Turn over!     ...     Thinking of this, Yan Mu wiped his face, with an extremely sad and indignant expression, let go of his hand and let himself continue to fall towards the position he had hoped for before.

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