Chapter 142

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Chapter 142

    In the room, Yan Mu squatted down and carefully observed a haggard and distressed aunt who was about forty or fifty years old in front of her.

    "Auntie, do you feel unwell?" She asked softly.

    The aunt took a few deep breaths, her voice sounded like an old bellows, she said slowly: "I just have no strength, I am very thirsty, my body is also numb, and... now my eyes can't seem to see. Clean things up."

    Yan Muwen frowned and pondered for a moment, then looked around the whole space, and turned to Qin Rui after a long while, "Are all the sick people here?"

    Qin Rui nodded and said: " It was thoroughly checked this morning."

    Although there are many more people in this safe zone than when Yan Mu lived, the mountain city is not the only force now, so it is only a few hundred bigger at the moment. People, it is very convenient to check.

    "Don't you think it's strange?" Yan Mu frowned, and looked at them suspiciously: "The sick ones, why are they all women?"

    Yes, the whole room, ranging from sixty to seventy-year-old old ladies, down to a few year-old girls, all female.

    Qin Rui froze for a moment, and then murmured after a while: "I, I didn't pay attention..."

    Isn't women's bodies and immunity weaker than men's?

    Moreover, it only took two or three days from discovering that someone was "ill" to starting an all-out investigation. Qin Rui was so busy that he didn't notice this abnormal phenomenon at all.

    Seeing Qin Rui's ugly face, Yan Mu didn't ask any more questions, but after staring at the aunt again for a few minutes, he suddenly said to her, "Auntie, I seem to see a bug in your hair, don't move, I'll Get it off for you!"     Even though the aunt was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment, she still laughed twice: "I haven't washed my hair for a long time, you little girl, don't get your hands dirty!"     Yan Mu smiled, stretched out his hand, and said nonsense: "It's okay, I haven't washed it for two months, everyone is the same, don't dislike anyone."

    The aunt was amused by her and didn't stop her.

    In fact, Qin Rui made such a big move, and the aunt herself had some bad premonitions in her heart, and since these people came here with Qin Rui, they must be evolutionaries, maybe this time they came here to help them heal their illnesses!

    She is not stupid!

    After Jianmu finished speaking, she really started to use her hands. Her white fingers stretched out nimbly, and quickly parted the aunt's oily hair, revealing a handful of green shoots that seemed to grow from the scalp.

    Everyone: "..."

    "Damn it!" Qin Rui was taken aback, and couldn't help but swear: "What is this?"

    Leaves grew on people's heads...

    What kind of sci-fi thriller is this? ?

    Qi Ruan, who was the most imaginative, was also frightened, his face was pale at this moment, and he murmured: "If the appearance of this thing is a little more terrifying, or if it takes the form of some molluscs, wouldn't it be the same as an alien? "

    Thinking of the picture of unidentified organisms parasitic in the human body, growing and multiplying, and breaking out of the body, everyone's head exploded, and instantly felt that the hairs stood on end, and the whole person was not well.     After hearing what they said, the aunt's face changed instantly. She groped and pinched the corner of Yan Mu's clothes, and said nervously, "What's the matter? Little girl, am I not well!"     Yan Mu's face also changed It was ugly, but the voice didn't change, just said: "It's nothing, it's a bit big, don't move, I'll see if I can catch it." The     aunt heard the words. Soon he relaxed, and said with a smile: "The bugs are not so big now, but they are not all bad things. This winter, we survived by relying on these big bugs."     They don't have the ability to hunt outside to find food , can't you eat bugs to satisfy your hunger!     It was said in TV dramas before that these things are high in protein...     Yan Muqian echoed a few words with a smile, then turned his head and winked at Si Nan behind him.

    Si Nan turned around without saying a word, and after brushing the hair of several patients, he turned and nodded to Yan Mu with a very ugly expression.

    Yan Mu's heart sank instantly.

    It seems... this is not an exception.

    Thinking of this, Yan Mu's heart became more and more heavy. After a moment of silence, he suddenly reached out and pinched the emerald green shoot, and gently pulled it up...

    "Ah..." The aunt immediately uttered a scream, and her face became pale. Instantly turned pale.

    Yan Mu's face changed slightly, and he immediately put down his hand.


    After a long while, Yan Mu and the others turned around and left the room in silence.

    Ten minutes later, looking at the clear blue sky that had just rained, Yan Mu heaved a sigh of relief, turned to Qin Rui and the others, and said coldly, "Influenza? Viral infection?

    " Everyone was silent.

    The author has something to say:

    Doomsday Essays must have an Eschatology Essay sub, not a virus~~

    Today is a short one.

    I finished sleeping yesterday, went out to buy groceries today, and ran for a while to get a pass. After returning, I felt a little lack of energy.

    I can only write a short one.

    I'll sleep well tonight, and I'll try to write more tomorrow, don't worry.

    The message in this chapter continues, I will go to sleep after posting the previous chapter. Thanks to the little angels who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2020-02-13 23:28:52~2020-02-14 23:49:06~

    Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: May 3 bottle; Ni Naiye 2 bottles;

    thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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