Chapter 143

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Chapter 143

    Half an hour later...

    In the safety zone, everyone sat down in the factory building on the second floor.

    Seeing the same decoration here as when they left, Yan Mu touched the old sofa under him, and said with some sighs: "It's still the same as before..."

    They spent the most difficult time at the beginning of the end of the world here. For a while, I still feel a little nostalgic when I think about it.

    Qin Rui personally poured hot water for them, forced a smile and said: "You have planned the safety zone well, we took advantage of it."

    They fled from other cities, so they knew very well that in this situation Now, how lucky is it to have a stable foothold, and if it weren't for the fire wall and fire path that Yan Mu and the others explored and researched, their life would have been even more difficult in the long winter that just passed

    ... Yan Mu and the others have always been grateful.

    It's just that Yan Mu didn't take it seriously, he waved his hands and said, "It's not about taking advantage, we are exchanging at equal prices, and we each get what we need."

    The fifth-order spirit grease that Qin Rui gave them in exchange did help them A big favor, the little spirit tree that saved the prince at that time was seriously injured, and it was this linguine that kept his life alive.

    Qin Rui didn't say much anymore, and after sitting down, he quickly brought the topic back to the right track: "How did you discover the abnormality hidden in the patient's hair?"

    He unconsciously used honorifics.

    The "diseases" are all women, most of them have long and thick hair, and they are basically unwashed, but the "tender buds" have just emerged a little bit, how did Yan Mu see it?

    Is her awakened ability clairvoyance?

    "Didn't you feel it?" Yan Mu asked suspiciously: "That aunt, as well as other people in the room, have two life forces of different attributes entangled in their bodies."

    Qin Rui shook his head blankly,

    he really didn't feel it arrive.

    Yan Mu turned to look at the others: "What about you?"

    Except for Zhao Bo who raised his hand to indicate that he had sensed it, everyone else shook their heads, even Si Nan was no exception.

    Yan Mu pondered, and couldn't help touching his forehead.

    There should have been two small horns...

    so...except for the wood-type elementalist who has relatively similar attributes, she is the only one who has two small horns on her head. Have you noticed it?

    Seeing Yan Mu's subconscious actions, Sinan's eyes flickered slightly, and he helped to change the subject calmly: "If the possibility of normal illness is ruled out, then this situation is—parasitic?

    " Consciously shivered.

    Qi Ruan was almost stuck on Yan Mu's body, and said rather disappointedly: "Yan Mu, do you still remember?"

    "Remember what?" Yan Mu was a little confused because of her nonsensical words. .

    "That half-human, half-plant young lady who chased us all the way back then?" Qi Ruan winked and thought for a long time before saying, "Ling Shuang, right? Will these people become like her in the future?" "

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