Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Responsible

    In just a few minutes, the flames had spread to the entire tunnel, and the scorching air waves swept towards everyone crazily!

    Yan Mu and Cao An are fine. The physique of the enhancer is stronger than that of ordinary people, and it is only slightly unsuitable at the moment.

    But Sinan and Qi Ruan were miserable. In such an oxygen-deficient environment, they were smoked by the thick smoke, and the two crispy French almost coughed up their lungs!

    Seeing that the situation was not good, Yan Mu immediately held the two of them by their necks and retreated out of the tunnel quickly!

    Sinan and the two who were pinched by the back of the neck of fate: "..."

    It's okay to change the posture next time!


    "Cough cough cough..."

    Outside the tunnel, Qi Ruan coughed and complained tearfully to Yan Mu: "I set the fire on fire, how could it even smoke me!"

    Yan Mu looked at her speechlessly, for a moment Then she couldn't help complaining: "You fart, don't you smell it?"

    Qi Ruan: "..."

    What a silly metaphor!


    Cao An's usually expressionless face cracked instantly, and Sinan couldn't help laughing while coughing, and the tense atmosphere just now was swept away.

    At this time, Qi's mother and Chen Lin, who were guarding outside, also swarmed up.

    "What's going on?" Chen Lin looked at the entrance of the tunnel where thick smoke kept coming out, and almost closed his jaw: "Could it be possible that the alien plants inside are turned from dead branches?"

    Yan Mu and two brought two barrels of gasoline in. He knew about it, but he also knew that Qi Ruan could only suffocate a fist-sized flame after holding it in for a long time.

    Even with gasoline for combustion, it wouldn't be possible to make such a big commotion in such a short period of time, right?

    Yan Mu thought for a while, and suddenly picked up all the dead branches that might have fallen in the past and piled them together, and then said to Qi Ruan, "Try this."

    Qi Ruan had already recovered slowly at this time. Hearing this, he immediately started to hold back. After holding back for two minutes, he burst into flames again, and threw his hands down.

    "Crackling..." The

    branches soon began to smoke, and the color gradually became scorched black. After a while, the flames also slowly rose. However, neither the strength nor the spreading speed can be compared with that in the tunnel.

    Looking at the scene in front of him, Si Nan thought about it: "So...does the fire of a fire elementalist have a damage bonus effect on different plants?"

    Among the five elements, wood produces fire.

    If elementalists are divided according to Yin Yang and Five Elements, it is not impossible...

    "Very likely." Yan Mu also nodded and said, a smile gradually appeared on his face: "This is also a good thing for us."

    Not only mutated animals, these ubiquitous and pervasive mutated plants are also very threatening. And because of their hidden appearance, sometimes the harm they cause is even more terrifying than mutated animals!

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