Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Old iron, steady

    In the early morning, the sunlight poured down through the gaps in the leaves, leaving some charming light spots on the ground. The surrounding shade-loving shrubs and weeds with wide and thick leaves almost completely covered the road surface. The asphalt road surface has cracked, revealing almost It has been covered with a layer of green grass and mossy black soil... The

    trees are also growing luxuriantly. Along the way, Yanmu has seen several big trees that can only be hugged by two people. There are fresh quilts around the trunks. Open cracked bark that falls to the ground.

    Obviously, this kind of tall trees that are rarely seen in scenic spots will appear again, and it is by no means a century-old effort!

    But now, listening to the unknown crisp birdsong occasionally appearing above the canopy, walking in such a quiet jungle, it gave everyone a feeling as if they had traveled through time and space...

    Qi Muche was a little afraid to continue driving He stopped in the middle of the road, and couldn't help saying: "If you continue walking like this, the car won't break down, right?"

    The road condition is too bad!


    In the back seat, apart from Yan Mu and Zhao Bo, Si Nan was also there, and he was staring at Zhao Bo at this time, and he didn't feel embarrassed.

    Long before the action, Sinan grinned and climbed onto Yanmu's off-road vehicle, and said that he was used to this car, and that he got motion sickness in that Wuling Hongguang.

    Qi Ruan and the others couldn't really be serious with Si Nan for such a trivial matter, so they simply turned a blind eye and ignored it.

    At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Yan Mu.

    At this moment, Yan Mu acted as if he hadn't heard Qi's mother's words, and was seriously messing with his little black pot with his head down.

    The rear seats of the off-road vehicle were all removed. At this time, Yan Mu was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and after putting a few special small cushions on his back, he carried the little black pot on his back in the same way as before. superior.

    Hmm... The Black Pot Man is back!

    Si Nan is very familiar with this hot pot, after all, when he met Yan Mu and Qi Ruan for the first time, they had such an image of a brat...

    After a long while, after Yan Mu had "equipped" himself, he raised his head and said to Qi's mother in a serious manner: "If this road will be the same in the future, let alone off-road, even iron lumps will break. But now we still have to Keep going, but everyone should be ready to abandon the car and walk!"

    After Yan Mu finished speaking, the faces of the others became very ugly in an instant.

    At this point, these cars are not only means of transportation, but also a rare and safe resting place for everyone.

    If there is no car, they will just take the sky as their seat and be seated on the ground, not to mention getting sick easily, and they will have to kneel when they are attacked by a random wave of mutant beasts!

    "Then what do we have so many things?" Mother Qi couldn't help showing worry on her face: "What about your gas stove gas stove, pots and pans, bedding and food?"

    Without a spacious trunk As a carrier, with just a few of them, even if everyone becomes a strengthener, they can't resist it, right?

    Yan Mu pondered for a moment, then sighed: "Throw away what should be lost, what should be streamlined, there is no other way now..."

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