Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

    Fifteen minutes later, Fat Lihua walked slowly and led the way for Yan Mu.

    Yan Mu ignored the people who occupied their big villa, because she felt that after such a commotion today, those guys would not dare to stay in the villa for too long...

    and after Fat Lihua appeared, her sight Qi Ruan, who had never been away from it all this time, had an idiot expression on his face, and the hand hanging by his side grabbed Yan Mu's clothes into twists!

    She was a serious cat slave before the end of the world, but due to the heavy tasks given by the school instructor and busy research, she couldn't distract herself from serving the cat owner, so usually she could only suck cats.

    Seeing that this cihua cat is so fat and its fur is so soft, she can't control the soul of a cat slave hidden in her body...

    "Then what..." Qi Ruan wiped the corner of her mouth and it didn't exist Drooling, his eyes were red with excitement: "Yanmu, is it your cat?"

    "Yes." Yanmu nodded and said with a smile: "Its surname is Yan, and its name is Haitang. Begonia."

    Qi Ruan: "..."

    She suddenly remembered Yan Mu's self-introduction before: My name is Yan Mu, Tao Li does not say anything, and Mu of South Murong and North Qiaofeng...

    the family's naming style It's really in the same line!

    After a while, looking at Yan Haitang's plump butt, Qi Ruan couldn't help but said again: "Then how

    old is it now?" This is common sense.

    "It's less than one year old, about nine and a half months." Yan Mu remembered this clearly: "Its mother is three years old now, and her grandma is about five and a half years old. They are both at my house."

    Qi Ruan was stunned.

    This cat... also has inheritance?

    However, although Qi Ruan has never raised a cat herself, she has been in pet forums all year round to suck cats, so she still knows some common sense about pets. After a short surprise, she asked with some doubts: "Doesn't your family sterilize cats? "

    I did it, and I did it after they gave birth to their cubs once."

    Yan Mu said solemnly, "My dad said that reproduction is the nature and instinct of all living things. We can't completely deprive them of their full power as mothers." The

    corners of Qi Ruan's mouth twitched: "Your dad has a sense of ritual."

    Yan Mu felt sorry for her: "I think so too..."

    In order to let the cat live a ritual, the female cat became manic during estrus , Yan Chengan gently comforted him, but he was scratched with bloodstains all over his body; Haitang's mother didn't want to breastfeed after giving birth to Haitang, so Yan Chengan took her and Yanyan to hand-feed milk more than a dozen times a day to wipe their ass...

    an old father's My heart is broken!

    But it is also because of Yan Chengan's precepts and deeds, whether it is her or the kid Yanyan, they have been very responsible and independent since they were very young.

    So they have been used by unscrupulous fathers since they were three years old, such as: You are three years old, you are already a big child, you don’t need your mother to accompany you, and you foolishly go to sleep in your own small room with a small pillow. ...

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