Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Who is Ding

    In the end, Yan Mu agreed to Qi Ruan's request.

    There is no other reason. It is more than a thousand kilometers away from Haicheng to Shancheng. She really needs a companion very much.

    And compared to just finding a stranger to go on the road with, naturally, Qi Ruan, who experienced the shocking changes in the cafeteria, and Qi's mother, who is smart and generous, are more trustworthy.

    Hmm... What's more, with Mother Qi's cheerful personality, if Qi Ruan wasn't there, Yan Mu would have wanted to befriend her!


    After Yan Mu nodded and agreed to go with her, Qi's mother was not polite to her. She rolled up her sleeves to help Yan Mu pack up the rest of the things, and explained to Yan Mu why they followed so soon.

    "After you left before, Ah Ruan told me about your suggestion to move out of Haicheng as soon as possible. It was also because of your reminder that I suddenly remembered something..."

    Qi's mother said slowly, her voice gradually getting lower and lower: "You should also know that we are a coastal city, and there are several seaside tourist attractions around, and it is now the peak summer vacation season, so not only tourists from all over the country Tourists, sometimes there are more than a dozen couples a day just for the newlyweds who take wedding photos at the seaside...

    "And just three days ago, my colleague told me that something happened on the beach here!

    "A pair of newlyweds who took wedding photos disappeared during the rest of the cameraman, and they have not been seen until now. A tourist accidentally bumped into a cone snail while walking on the beach and was killed on the spot; two people were killed by aquatic plants when they went into the water. entangled, and almost failed to go ashore alive..."

    Qi's mother's voice was very heavy: "The beaches around us have been used as scenic spots for many years, with a large flow of people and extremely poor water quality. Not to mention aquatic plants and highly poisonous Concrete snails, even small fish and shrimps are completely gone, and some people even say that even the shells seen on the beach are artificially placed to attract tourists...

    "Under such circumstances, how can marine life appear in the sea?" offshore?

    "Although I haven't studied again for many years, I will not lose my basic knowledge. Just like what you said when chatting with A Ruan, if land creatures have undergone such a big change, in the depths of the ocean that we don't understand What kind of terrifying scene is it?"

    Qi's mother said here, with a helpless expression on her face: "That's why I let A Ruan come to you directly, even if you encounter danger and die halfway in the future, it is better than staying here every day." It's better to be scared!"


    After Qi's mother's words ended, Yan Mu was beyond shock!

    She really didn't expect that among the people she knew, it was Qi's mother who was the first to discover this...

    Seeing her deftly opening the packages she had put together indiscriminately, and then rearranging them one by one to occupy an area Qi Mu, who was almost half smaller than before, with various items, Yan Mu suddenly felt that the image of Qi Mu in her heart instantly became extremely tall!

    After a pause, Yan Mu asked softly, "May I ask... Auntie, where did you go to school?"

    Qi's mother smiled shyly: "Wudaokou, the capital."

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