Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

    The prince's injury was on the soft abdomen, a wound of more than 30 centimeters, with blood and flesh turned out, and Mu Yi was crying all the time while cleaning and disinfecting it.

    In fact, when the prince found out that there was something wrong with Wu Yiqian, he was ready to pounce on him. At that time, the silent and invisible attack should have been prepared to slash him. However, as a feline prince, his reflexes are not sensitive. Jumping back quickly, dodging the deadly move.

    But injuries are inevitable.

    The prince is actually a mutated creature now, and his body's defense mechanism and repair ability should be a hundred times stronger than before. They were also injured in battle before, but they could heal themselves within half a day, but this time the wound was extraordinarily weird. More, it was still oozing blood slowly, as if its immune system had been destroyed by a mysterious force.

    Yan Mu was very worried. Thinking back on the mountain, so many powerful mutated creatures competed for the spiritual fruit of the spirit tree, and the spirit snake even turned into a dragon because of it, so she wanted to come and try it!

    Even if the spirit tree is unwilling to make a move, there is still a big ginkgo, right?

    After all, it is also a hope!


    It's just that she shouted for a long time, but the whole space was still silent, as if there were no living creatures.

    Yan Mu was very disappointed.

    Sinan, who was following Yan Mu, also rushed over. After carefully checking the prince's current situation, he relaxed slightly, stood up and patted Yan Mu's shoulder and said, "It's okay, I think the bleeding is slow. It will be fine..."

    Yan Muqiang suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, turned around and lifted the wooden plank under the prince to get closer to the thick trunk of the ginkgo tree, then sat cross-legged next to the prince, his voice very low.

    "I wonder if it would be better to be closer to this side."

    Seeing Yan Mu's appearance, Si Nan also felt a little uncomfortable.

    Ever since he first met Yan Mu, she had never looked so lost and lacking energy...


    Compared with the complex behaviors and thoughts of human beings, even evolved animals have very simple thoughts.

    Not only Begonia and Chestnut, but later Baijiahei and Princess, as well as Red Mouse and White Bird Xiaohong, all like the mild-mannered prince very much.

    Everyone stayed by the prince's side before, and Bai Jiahei and the princess poked lightly with their paws from time to time to see if it was still alive.

    After arriving here, they obviously felt the improvement of the prince's injury, and immediately became happy, and they no longer stubbornly stayed by the prince's side, and began to explore this new territory like a joy.

    Since Haitang and Lizi were not in a good mood after the prince was injured, even if they were not lying next to the prince, they could only walk around within ten meters at most, not daring to run too far.

    The red-haired mouse is probably the smallest in size, so its brain capacity is also small. After smelling and sniffing in this area, its black bean-like eyes lit up after a while, and it rushed into the grass on one side

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