Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Hey Hey Hey

    One night passed in this peaceful atmosphere with slight waves...

    This mysterious force sweeping the evolution of the world has probably really begun to subtly change human genes and physiques. The half-dead Zhao Bo, who couldn't even catch his breath, was able to get out of the car and walk two steps the next morning!

    At this time, the sky was slightly bright.

    Seeing that the sky was getting brighter outside, the three of Yanmu, who had been curled up in the seat all night, sleeping very restlessly with back pain, got out of the car in a hurry and moved their bodies.


    The air that belongs only to the early morning has a cool and clear breath, and the branches and leaves of the low grass and unknown shrubs spread out, and the tips of the leaves are dotted with clear beads, showing a kind of exuberant vitality .

    In the distance is an endless plain and the gray-blue sky where the sun is about to rise. There is also a melodious song of birds that has never been heard before. The quiet atmosphere makes people feel as if their souls have become clear .

    Seeing this scene, Yan Mu let out a long breath, and turned to look at Zhao Bo who was squatting on the ground and looking affectionately at a grass tip that just broke through the ground.

    Seeing Qi Mu and Qi Ruan training their abilities over and over again yesterday, Zhao Bo was also moved, and this time is a good time to try his Wood Element ability.

    It's just that it's been a long time, and the grass in front of him has probably only jumped up to a height of less than two centimeters, which is also very cheating.

    "Brother Zhao..." Yan Mu stepped forward, followed his example and squatted like a farmer, and said with a smile: "There is something, I think I have to tell you in advance."

    Now when Zhao Bo saw Yan Mu's smile was frightening, as if the BGM suddenly sounded in his ears, the rampant laughter of the three women kept echoing in his mind in a loop mode...

    Thinking of this, he shivered like a conditioned reflex, and said awkwardly : "You... You said it!"

    Yan Mu: "..."

    Why are you using honorifics!

    She rubbed her face, gave up the idea of ​​correcting Zhao Bo's address, and said directly: "Uncle Zhao, can you tell us what your future plans are?"


    Zhao Bo looked sad.

    With his current appearance, what else can he plan!

    Seeing that Zhao Bo remained silent, Yan Mu could only continue to say: "You should be able to guess that we are planning to leave Haicheng...

    " I won't lie to you, our destination is Shancheng, and we will soon Probably won't be coming back. If you have an idea, the direction you want to go is exactly on the way with us, and we can also take you for a ride. But if you want to go to other places, or simply go back to Haicheng, then we may have to part ways here. "

    In fact, after testing his current strength, Yan Mu is not so repulsive to adding a man to their team.

    Although modern feminist consciousness has begun to awaken, and everyone is calling for equality between men and women, most people's hearts Prejudice still exists.

    Especially now that the world has changed drastically and a new era of the evolutionary era has opened. Between the old and the new, the laws and regulations have been difficult to restrain the evil thoughts hidden in human hearts.

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