Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    "Gudong..." In the

    quiet space, Yanmu's nervous swallowing could be heard clearly.

    After a while, wondering if she was deceiving herself or others, she looked at Sinan and forced a smile: "You probably misread it, it's not a horn!"

    Sinan was silent.


    now it is indeed not a horn!

    But the bulging Bao Laogao on the giant snake's head already had the shape of a horn, and almost pierced through it. Does it make sense to say it's not a horn?


    After a while, Sinan let out a long breath, rubbed his face vigorously, and then sighed: "The world has changed, the world has evolved, and now even the dragons that only exist in myths and novels have appeared , I have some doubts now, is this world we live it real?"

    He said, turning his head to look at Yan Mu, and said in a low voice: "The [Alien Invasion] that Qi Ruan said is true. Is it all just an illusion? Is what we are doing now really a natural development without guidance?     "Perhaps... outside of the three-dimensional space we are familiar with, is there a group of people who look at us as if we are in the last days It's the same as the wilderness survival TV shows I watched before, because I have the idea of ​​killing time and entertainment, so we have our current evolution? "     Speaking of which, Sinan looked up at the sky shrouded in thick fog, and murmured in a low voice: "Or, as I said in the chat and jokes before, we are not real existences, but just pieces of paper in the book people? "     Yan Mu opened his mouth with mixed emotions, but he couldn't say a word for a while     ....     During the rest of the night, everyone took turns to be on duty at night. They     are all in the era of information explosion. The "night watchman" who can't sleep until twelve o'clock, now has no mobile phone and no Internet, everyone is very uncomfortable. So when she is idle and bored, Qi Ruan likes to tell them some novels she has read.

    It's probably really boring, but everyone really likes this show.

    Ke Yanmu didn't expect that Sinan's brain hole would be so big!

    Because of Sinan's brain hole, she also inexplicably remembered some things she had seen before


    In the 21st century, with the development of the Internet, many hypotheses have been widely circulated, such as: all human beings and creatures on earth are experimental or ornamental objects, There are other higher-latitude beings manipulating the development process of this civilization...

    There are also such things as: Do you occasionally feel familiar when you are doing a certain thing, going to a certain place, or saying a certain sentence, but you always feel familiar? Can't find a memory source?

    are you really you Are your memories really your memories?

    Are we just a program living in a virtual world fabricated by super AI?

    Is there a possibility: the current world is already an extremely developed civilization, and you are already dead!

    So now you exist as a brain, living in a nutrition box similar to a scientific research institute. When you live and grow in the arranged background world as a mind, there are also a group of people in white coats outside the nutrition box. Looking at you blankly...

    are you really still alive?


    Yan Mu didn't expect her imagination to be so rich. The more she thought about it, the more terrifying she felt. She couldn't help shivering, and forced these thoughts out of her mind, then looked at Sinan seriously and said, "You know that the Cambrian Period Is life exploding?"

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