Chapter 122

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Chapter 122

    "Yanmu! Yanmu?"

    "What's the matter with you? Wake up..."

    "Is there any spirit grease? Bring it here..."

    In the dimness, Yanmu felt that the voice talking in her ear gradually became louder up.

    At this time, her thoughts seemed to have fallen into a state of stagnation, she didn't know who she was, and she didn't know where this place was. This voice sounded very familiar, but she just couldn't remember who it was

    ... It is as heavy as a thousand catties, trying hard to unfold, but always defeated by deep tiredness.

    Is it time to sleep?

    A voice sounded in her mind like this.

    It is indeed time to sleep, she is already very tired...

    But at the same time, Yan Mu felt a wide warm palm gently caressing her face, and at this moment, a warm current poured into her body, dispelling it slightly. Her exhaustion.

    "Don't worry, it will be fine in a while..." The anxious voice couldn't stop murmuring, she didn't know if it was comforting others or comforting herself: "It will be fine in a while..."

    She intuitively felt that it should be Lingzhi It works, but she couldn't remember what Lingzhi was for a while.

    After an unknown amount of time, under the continuous supply of that warm current, Yan Mu finally opened his eyes.


    In the hazy light and shadow, the face of the person in the backlight was a little blurry, but when she saw her open her eyes, she seemed to be able to feel the sudden burst of surprise from the other party!

    "Wake up, that's great!" Sinan obviously breathed a sigh of relief, then carefully half-supported Yan Mu, and said softly, "Is there any injury? Or where does it hurt?"

    Yan Mu didn't speak, just settled Looking at him, after an unknown amount of time, she suddenly murmured: "Who are you?"

    Sinan's smile instantly froze on his face.


    Ten minutes later...

    Sinan and Qi Ruan stood facing each other, looking at Yan Mu who was sitting on the ground not far away and rubbing his forehead constantly, with extremely dignified expressions.

    "Has she... lost her memory?" Sinan's expression was extremely exciting at this moment, colorful like a palette.

    They hurried back after sending away Bai Jiahei and Condor Hero, the little guys who had no self-protection ability, and only heard a huge roar on the way that seemed to make the whole earth tremble.

    They didn't feel good, so they speeded up immediately, but when they got here, they found that there was a big hole in the ground, and there was a big pool of blood beside the hole. Yan Mu fell to the bottom of the hole, and the prince was beside her. He also fell into a coma, but the snake was gone!     At that time, they were so scared that they could hardly stand up, but after getting close to Yan Mu, they found that she should have just passed out and had no trauma, so they were slightly relieved.     It's just that what they didn't expect was that the first sentence Yan Mu asked after waking up was such a fatal question!     ...     "Probably so..." Qi Ruan said in a firm tone, "But this is actually normal."     Sinan suddenly looked at Qi Ruan inexplicably, and repeated in a questioning tone: "Normal?"     "Yes Yes, it’s normal.” Qi Ruan said solemnly: “She’s the protagonist! In previous ancient novels and family ethics dramas at 8:00 p.m., the heroine always lost her memory once or twice, which just proves that she "Oh!"     Qi Ruan glared at Sinan while covering his painful head, "Why did you hit me?"     "I want to wake you up and dream again at night."     Sinan said speechlessly, then turned his eyes to look not far away Yan Mu suddenly had a look of worry in his eyes: "Yan Mu has just recovered, but now he has lost his memory after going out for a trip, and we don't know if there are any sequelae. How should we explain to Uncle Yan and Aunt Mu when we go back?" what?"

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