Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

    "It seems to be spreading from behind us..." In the

    quiet space, Yanmu's voice was filled with unconcealable worry. She turned around and looked at the world covered by thick fog behind her, and murmured: "No I know why, I always have a bad feeling..."

    She didn't know why there was such a huge burst of life energy in the jungle that even they could sense, but seeing the earth-shattering scene now, it is estimated that only the blind And the deaf will not feel it?     The five senses that have become more acute after evolution have faintly sensed that countless powerful auras appear in all directions, and they are frantically gathering towards the center of the burst of life energy...     and they...are in this crazy vortex Heartland!     Finally, Yan Mu couldn't hold back anymore, turned his head to look at the crowd, and said very fast: "The place where this life energy appears is not too far away from us, and its spread is too large. It is foreseeable that , I guess it won't be long before the nearby mutated creatures will swarm over, do you have any ideas? What should we... do?"     Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly calmed down.     idea?     Even Yanmu and Sinan, who were always calm and full of ghost ideas, looked helpless. What could they think?     After all, the perception of the second-level evolution is stronger than that of the first-level evolution. Qi Ruan felt the surrounding situation more clearly than Yan Mu, and suddenly couldn't help but reddened his eyes, and pursed his mouth: "Yan Mu, I... My legs are weak!"     Yan Mu: "..."     Can you be a little bit promising!     It may be that the emotion in Yan Mu's eyes was too obvious, Qi Ruan was also a little embarrassed, and suddenly hiccupped, and then said nonsense: "How about... let's hide?"     Yan Mu raised his eyes and looked at it very seriously. Looking at Qi Ruan: "Where are you hiding?"

    According to past experience, although Qi Ruan is often in the second class, the strange thing is that sometimes she can make a random statement in the second class that coincides with reality...

    At the beginning, her casual sentence made them treat Lingzhi as a spirit Shi absorbed it; so did the "inner alchemy" that instructed them to take out the mutant monkey's body, so now Yan Mu pays more attention to her words, and will never treat her as casually as before.

    How did Qi Ruan know where to hide?

    If she knew, her legs would not be so weak that she would even struggle to walk now...

    At this moment, she bite the bullet and looked around, finally pointing casually not far away, only a black shadow could be vaguely seen in the thick fog The big tree next to him, hesitantly said: "How about... hiding in the tree?"

    Yan Mu was taken aback, and looked at the big tree not far away involuntarily.

    "Chi la..."

    "Pu Lingling..."

    It was a coincidence that just as they were looking at the thick, tall tree with a canopy-like canopy, there was a sound of fluttering wings, and the next second, a huge The blue shadow suddenly jumped out of the canopy of the tree, and after a crisp and excited cry, it quickly flapped its wings and flew towards the center of the explosion of life energy!

    That is a mutant bird!

    It seems to have a miraculous power, even in the dense fog, it seems to form a vacuum circle of tens of meters around its body, all the fog is blocked, and it can no longer move forward.

    So even in this environment, everyone in Yanmu can clearly see what it looks like!

    The wings of this huge voice-changing bird can be stretched nearly ten meters. The body lines are smooth and elegant, and the blue feathers seem to be shining with a faint light, making it look particularly handsome.

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