Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    In the off-road vehicle, Yan Mu was quietly looking at the map of the mountain city that he found in an outdoor goods store not long ago.

    At this time, outside the car window, the road surface was completely covered by weeds, and the buildings on both sides of the street were also covered with green vines, and some of them even bloomed with colorful flowers...

    This is a city gradually eroded by plants. siege!


    Qi Ruan looked at the scene outside without any traces of artificial carving, and couldn't help but sigh: "If you can still make those science fiction movies with the main perspective of alien planets, you probably don't need green scenes and special effects rendering Right?"

    As she spoke, she turned her elbow to Zhao Bo, who was sitting in front of the driver's seat: "Uncle Zhao, do you think this place looks like Pandora?"

    "Pandora? I said it looks like an elf tribe..." Zhao Bo didn't bother Ignored him, hummed a few words, turned back to look at Yanmu, who was in the back seat with downcast eyes, and said in a low voice, "Which way are you going?"


    The road conditions after the end of the world are very bad. Yanmu originally thought that this off-road vehicle would It won't be long before it will be scrapped, but I didn't expect the quality of this car to be worthy of its price, and it has persisted all the way until now...

    Zhao Bo and the others understand in their hearts that they have traveled thousands of miles from the coast to the interior , isn't it just to find a mother for the little tadpole... Ahh!

    Isn't it just to help Yanmu find his family?

    Yan Mu raised his eyes when he heard the words, and shook his head with a blank expression: "I don't know."

    Qi Ruan's expression suddenly became a little weird: "You don't know which direction your home is in?"

    Although the mountain city is indeed well-known "Lost City" also has such "famous names" as: cars pass through the building, and the railroad tracks go home; after reaching the eighteenth floor, it is still on the first floor. It can be said that as a native of the mountain city, Mu does not know where his home is. Where is it still a bit exaggerated?

    "Before the mutation happened, I called my dad once..."

    Yan Mu slowly said: "I don't think...he will stay at home now!"

    Her father Yan Cheng'an is a veritable old fox, and their house is in a well-known high-end villa area in the mountain city. Yan Mu felt that, With Yan Cheng'an's cunning character like a fox, after receiving her call, he would never put his family in such a dangerous situation.

    Sitting next to Yan Mu, Qi's mother thought for a moment, but did not express any opinion on her guess, but suddenly patted Yan Mu's hand.

    "I still have to go back and have a look. What if they left you any messages at home?" Qi's mother's voice was soft and gentle: "Otherwise, if they keep hiding in this huge mountain city, or You have already gone to other places, how do you find someone?"

    Yan Mu thought about it, so he didn't talk nonsense, and simply pointed in the direction: "Over there, let's go."

    But after she finished speaking, she paused, He quickly added: "When you get to the intersection, remember to ask me which way to go. If you make a wrong turn here, you may turn directly out of the city!"

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