Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

    Industrial plant area, third floor.

    In the factory building where everyone is temporarily staying...

    it was getting late, the warm light of the setting sun poured down, half of it fell on Lizi who was lying on the sofa and pretending to sleep, and the other half shone on Sinan, making him somewhat The stiff expression is clearly visible.

    At this time, Si Nan was sitting upright, with his back straight, looking at the few people sitting opposite him, whose whole bodies were shrouded in shadow, and swallowed with difficulty...

    Opposite Si Nan, Grandpa Yan and Grandma Yan stood in a row. , Mu Yi smiled and brought freshly boiled water for the fifth time!

    Si Nan burst into tears in his heart, but he still resisted the urge to urinate and took the water, raised his head and showed the most perfect smile to Mu Yi, and said thank you.

    "Young man, what's your name?" I don't know how long it took before Grandpa Yan opened his mouth to speak, his smile was kind and kind, and he started a conversation with Sinan: "Where are you from? How old are you?"

    Sinan stopped reflexively. Stretching his back, he replied solemnly: "My name is Si Nan. I am twenty-five years old. My hometown is in Mengcheng. I have been living with my grandfather since I was a child. After I was admitted to the university in Haicheng, I have been staying in Haicheng. , including work is here.”     Grandma Yan took out the reading glasses she carried in her pocket and put them on, and after looking at Sinan carefully for a while, her smile became brighter: “Mengcheng is good, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the air is beautiful. Okay, so who else is in your family now? Do you live alone now?"     This young man is not bad!     Looks so handsome...     Sinan smiled with a good temper, and said in a low voice: "I am the only one left in my family, and our generation has no idea of ​​returning to our roots. Since then, we have been working hard in Haicheng!"     Grandma Yan suddenly Feeling distressed, he stood up, stretched out his hands full of grooves and patted Sinan's head, his voice was warm and soft: "It's all over! I think your friends are all good."     The comfort that cannot be empathized is always scratching the surface. Baba opened up the old scars, it would be better to let them focus on the sun.

    Sinan's heart warmed slightly, and his eyes softened a lot: "I'm very lucky!"

    Although compared with most ordinary people in this world, his luck can be called a god-possessed person, but it is precisely because of his experience that So many unlucky and even desperate things made those friends who had the same attitude towards him from the beginning to the end, as well as the life of those friends who persisted until now even though they were stumbled, all the more precious!

    Grandpa Yan's expression also eased a lot, and he waited until Grandma Yan finished speaking before continuing: "Xiao Si, what did you do before? A private company or a state-owned company? Have you bought a car? Have you bought a house?"

    Sinan: " ..."

    "Dad~~" Mu Yi, who was not ready to leave after pouring the water, called out to Grandpa Yan, then turned her head and smiled apologetically at Sinan: "The old man has not traveled far, so he is very concerned about the things in Haicheng. I'm more curious, don't mind!"

    The old man who "has never seen the world" who travels around the world once or twice a year was silent.

    Sinan laughed dryly: "It's okay, it's okay!"

    At worst, he just pretended that he didn't hear that the questions the old man asked before revolved around him...

    Seeing Sinan's expression, Mu Yi showed an elegant smile, and said slowly: " So...Xiao Si, have you ever been in a relationship before?"

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