Chapter 147

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Chapter 147

    "If their parents and mothers find out, we're done!"

    Yan Mu said solemnly, gnashing his teeth a bit as he spoke, "Maybe the big flood snake just wants to lure all those mutant giant birds over to test me. Does it have the strength it had back then, so that it can hide behind its back...

    "Heh... this is definitely a conspiracy! "The

    others were speechless.

    Especially Qi Ruan, she looked at the chicks of various colors sleeping around Yanmu's shoes... Well, the little bird is almost drooling: "But I I think it just wants to please you, so don't make such conspiracy theories, okay? "

    As we all know, chicks are the cutest when they just hatched for more than half a month. They are yellow and fluffy, and they chirp behind the hen all day long to beg for food. They are very cute.     These little chicks are now The image of the chick is similar to that of a chick, and it also provides a variety of designs and colors to choose from. There are six chicks in total, two white ones, two yellow ones, two red ones, one gray and one It gradually turns blue from light to dark, not to mention how beautiful it is.     Qi Ruan's favorite is the one that is red all over and has a dull hair on its head. When talking, it keeps teasing it with its legs...     Yan Mu looked at it Feeling angry, he kicked Qi Ruan's troublesome leg back, and said speechlessly: "Stop playing, I'm talking about business. "     Qi Ruan raised his head reluctantly, his expression still serious: "I'm talking about business, to be honest, Yan Mu, anyway, the big snake has already given us these little guys, so let's keep them!" "     When he said this, Qi Ruan was very excited, and his words were extremely seductive: "Didn't you always want to form an air force? These little guys are such good air force seedlings!"     "Look at the Condor Heroes again. They grow so fast. They may grow to such a large size in a few months. Wouldn't it be nice for us to form a team and go to the sky together?"     Of course, the most important thing Yes, they are cute enough!

    The golden mouse is too ugly, the three begonias and the princess are too tall and cold to let Rua, finally got a new fluffy, she can't let go of this opportunity no matter what.

    Yan Mu snorted twice, and said angrily, "Then when their father and mother call the door, you go up and stop them?"

    "They may not be able to find us, right? The city is so far away from the city center... "Qi Ruan thought for a while, then snapped his fingers and said: "Besides, there are big ginkgo trees in the city center, they must not dare to enter its territory rashly, at worst... At worst, we will be a little cowardly in the past few months and just nest in the city center Just don’t go out.”

    When she said this, she chuckled twice, and her voice was a little treacherous: “When these little guys grow up, we’ll kill them back and avenge our shame!”

    Yan Mu was even more speechless: "The bird couple worked so hard to lay eggs once, and we stole them, and we have to go back and beat them when they grow up. Has your conscience been eaten by

    the golden retriever?" ..."

    It's like a flying pot from outside the sky!

    Qi Ruan also wanted to understand at this time, and smiled a little embarrassingly: "It seems... It's a bit too much!"

    After finishing speaking, she looked at the furries with a very reluctant expression: "Then what should I do? Why not return them to their parents? Are you sure those violent birds won’t clean us up when we go to return them?”

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