Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

    "We came from the direction of Los Angeles..." In the

    quiet space, the cropped man said.

    At this moment, there are a total of eight people and two cats on both sides. At this moment, they are all relying on Yan Mu's tattered Dacrosse, while keeping an eye on the surrounding streets, while starting to have simple and tentative exchanges...

    Actually, I want to say It seems that there is not much conflict between them. When encountering an unknown person suddenly, vigilance is the most normal attitude.

    This kind of mutual communication now is not only to resolve conflicts and hidden vigilance of both parties, but also a way to collect information.

    It depends on who ranks higher!


    Here, the guy with the cropped hair is called Hong Feng, the guy with the dreadlocks is called Wu Fei, the girl with short hair is Tian Tian, ​​the girl with long hair is called Jiang Wan, and the guy with the baby face is called Yue Hong.

    The five of them cooperated tacitly and were intimate. They looked like the kind of buddies who grew up together, but Hong Feng, the crop-headed man, didn't reveal any information other than introducing their names.

    Anyway, according to him, they chose the mountain city as their temporary residence by chance.

    On Mu's side, the well-informed and cunning Yan Cheng'an was naturally the spokesperson.

    After listening to Hong Feng's brief introduction of the names of the people and the reason for coming here, Yan Cheng'an was silent for a moment before he said: "Luocheng is thousands of kilometers away from the mountain city, and after the changes in the world, the roads are more dangerous and difficult to pass. Why did you choose Came to the mountain city?'

    The inch-headed man Hong Feng looked calm, and explained: "We only said that we came from the direction of Los Angeles, but we didn't say that we started from Los Angeles. "

    "So what?" "Yan Chengan didn't bother with this question anymore, and continued: "Why did you choose the mountain city?" "

    In the past two days, Yan Chengan has also been piled up to the stage of a second-level evolutionary by spiritual fat. His eyesight is not bad. It is impossible for him not to see things that Yan Mu can see.

    This man named Hong Feng is very likely to be a third-order evolutionary, and his teammates must not be weak. If he said that he didn't have an adventure or didn't know the information about Lingzhi, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

    Is it possible that such a character would choose to settle in a mountain city, saying that he has no purpose?

    Hearing the words, Hong Feng became silent for a moment, and he didn't look at Yanmu and the others until a while later, his eyes were deep and deep, and he said slowly: "You guys probably don't know very well, the current external not very good !"

    Yan Chengan looked more serious, and said seriously: "How to say?"

    "I believe you should also know that even after evolution, most mutant creatures are still the same as before, and they like to occupy territory..."

    Hong Feng leisurely Said: "Compared with the real wilderness, our cities that have taken root for thousands of years have too many artificial traces, which are not very suitable for plant growth, and the growth of plants will attract herbivorous creatures, and herbivorous creatures It will attract carnivorous creatures...

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