Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

    It was half an hour since Wu Fei hung the blood-dripping head of a giant wolf on the fence to deter all the beasts, and when most of the mutant beasts chose to retreat into the jungle again.

    Yan Cheng'an walked around the entire fence, and seeing that there was no other collapsed place except for a big gap at the main entrance, he breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the fence.

    So, it wasn't that the fortifications he built were too rubbish, it was that this snow wolf was too awesome.

    No one expected that they would be attacked by a fourth-order peak mutant beast just after winter...

    Will the situation be more severe after a while?

    This world is too difficult!

    Thinking of this, he smiled wryly and raised his hand to wipe his face, shook off the frost mixed with blood foam, and looked up at Zhang Tong and others who were cleaning the battlefield.


    Earlier, when Yan Mu and Si Nan were trying their best to stop the giant wolf, they were not idle.

    The giant wolf's move to break through the defense has greatly boosted the morale of the mutant beasts, but because of the ice spikes and golden blades scattered around the wall, the first to attack are those who are smaller and can directly attack A mutant bird flying across the sky.

    Yan Cheng'an, a mutant bird creature flying directly from high altitude, has nothing to do with them for the time being, but as long as they want to catch their prey, no matter how high they fly now, they will definitely fall behind.

    As long as they lose their superiority in the air, the few Prince Haitang who are wandering around in the safe zone will be able to kill them!

    As for other small mutant beasts that climbed up from the hedgehog-like ice wall, they were either hacked to death by Hong Feng's golden blade, or stabbed to death by Tian Tian's ice pick, or Zhang Tong was dragged into the illusion first, and then hid in the Qi Ruan, who was trembling behind Cao An, made it die splendidly with a sky flame ceremony...

    All in all, with the obstruction of the tall wall, although it is still dangerous in the busy schedule, under everyone's caution, what they suffer the most is Minor injuries, not life-threatening.

    This is probably a blessing in misfortune!

    At this time, Zhang Tong and Cao An walked over with heavy steps, turned over their pockets, and the glittering spirit grease fell in front of Yan Chengan with a splash.

    "The other mutated beasts have all run away. There are thirty-one second-level spirit grease and fifteen third-level spirit grease, but there is no zero-level or first-level spirit..."

    Zhang Tong couldn't help sighing as he spoke. : "Mutated creatures are getting stronger and stronger!"

    What is the concept of zero-order and first-order mutant creatures?

    This means that the current average level of mutant creatures has reached the second level!

    Thinking that a wolf can summon hundreds of younger brothers by waving its paws, they have worked so hard to join forces, and the entire alliance only has a few dozen people. Zhang Tong can't help but feel worried about the future situation of the human beings in the mountain city!

    Fortunately, most of them are already advancing towards the third level, otherwise he would probably be even more frustrated!

    Zhang Tong was worried, and Yan Cheng'an, who wanted to build a survivor base, was naturally even more worried, but he had just experienced a big battle, so he couldn't say any inappropriate and frustrating words at this time.

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