Chapter 119

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Chapter 119

    What was presented in front of their eyes was a scene of nature's cruelest law of survival.

    Countless tall trees that seem to shade the sky go straight into the sky, stretching all the branches and leaves as much as possible to capture more sunlight and nutrients.

    All life is trying to grow with all its strength, because if it falls behind a little bit, its place will be occupied by stronger plants, it will not be able to absorb sunlight and nutrients, and its roots in the ground will be strangled by other creatures. Losing life and gradually withering, the trunk also becomes the nutrient of the vines, and finally collapses, absorbed by microorganisms, and becomes part of the humus in the soil.

    The battlefield between plants is not as obvious as that of animals, but it is more brutal.

    The same is true for the bushes and broad-leaved plants on the ground, showing a kind of exuberant and majestic vitality, just like the no-man's land in the tropical rainforest that has never been stepped on by humans, leaving no gaps for humans to pass through at all. .

    What is even more frightening is that no one knows if there will be a few more jungle aborigines such as spiders, leeches, forest snakes, or poisonous insects on the body when walking through here and coming out again.

    Moreover, in the depths of the forest, from time to time, creepy roars of unknown creatures could be heard, making them all shudder.


    Looking at the dense jungle in front of him, a rare hesitation appeared on Yan Mu's face.

    She wasn't afraid of those beast roars that sounded terrifying, because those enemies were at least on the bright side.

    She is worried about those venomous snakes and insects that have evolved to the extreme, and those alien plants that are no different from ordinary plants when they are not moving. In this environment, if they are entangled, even with their strength, if they want to It takes a lot of effort to escape.

    Qi Ruan also looked stunned and surprised, and after a while he said: "My god! If we hadn't just passed by here a few months ago, I would have thought I had traveled to the Jurassic period , the changes here are too big."

    Sinan smiled and said: "Mountain City is a city, and there are ginkgo trees in it, so the changes are not so obvious. In fact, it should be the case in all towns and cities."

    Qi Ruan thought in his heart I couldn't help but suddenly felt a deep sense of crisis, and it took me a long time before I said, "I suddenly feel that our current evolutionary speed may have been greatly slowed down..."     Yan Mu also agreed: "Indeed. It seems that In the future, when we have nothing to do, we have to pull other people out for a walk, and stay in the mountain city all day, without knowing what the gap is!"     Now Yan Mu feels that his decision to come out this time is really the most wise decision.     ...     This time out, not only Yan Mu Sinan and Qi Ruan, but also Lizi and Haitang, Bai Jiahei and the princess, and even the Golden Retriever and Condor Hero Xiaohong followed.     Haitang and Lizi went out with Yan Mu the most, and now they have become old drivers. Now they squatted calmly beside Yan Mu and the others, but their ears were pricked up vigilantly.     Since Bai Jiahei was brought back by Yan Mu, he has been acting on his own one-third of an acre of land. He suddenly saw such a strange scene here, and there were all kinds of strange things brought by the wind from the air. Powerful aura, very curious at the moment, sniffing here and there, looking like a country bumpkin who     has just entered the city, and the Condor Hero was born less than three months ago, his body is the largest among all furries, and he grows The speed didn't slow down at all, just standing like this now is already a head taller than Sinan.     It’s just probably because it’s too young, so it’s the least courageous, and it’s very uncomfortable with the strange environment and strange atmosphere. But it first wanted the princess to protect it, but found that the princess is too small, and there is no way to give it safety. Sensation, it chirped again, while moving closer to Sinan.     Among the three, Sinan was the tallest one, so he would choose.     The Condor Hero could cover Sinan with his wings spread out, but his head kept crawling into Sinan's nest. Sinan was so crowded that he couldn't laugh or cry, and turned his head to look at Yan Mu with difficulty: "The Condor Hero is only a few months old, probably It’s not adapting, let’s let it go back first.”

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