Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

    Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

    Regardless of how Zhao Bo's "old friends" reunited after a long absence, let's talk about the city center. As the noon approached, the Yanmu people squatting on the rooftops of high-rise buildings also started to act in groups...

    In order to maximize efficiency, Except for Wu Fei and Qi Ruan, who were the most capable of controlling the field, who were left outside to support and guard Qian Xin, the other six people were divided into three groups, two teams, and sneaked in from the three floors of the shopping mall to investigate the situation.

    As for Haitang and the black cat that had been following them into this area, they were stabilized by Yan Mu's two cans of cat food. With Wu Fei and Qi Ruan watching from the side, they could stabilize for at least half an hour. of.

    If their operation is still not over after half an hour, then they must have encountered trouble, and it would be a good thing for the two of them to come back by then

    ... If

    you don't count the basement, the shopping mall has six floors, but they usually only Activities in the lower three floors, and the fourth to sixth floors are blocked by these people and cannot be entered.

    According to Qian Xin, they just stick to this area and usually follow the rules. Even though the law enforcement agencies no longer exist, they have never done anything illegal... It's

    just that such words fool him, that 's all. Yan Mu and the others didn't believe a word.

    These people originally followed the evolutionists who wanted to deal with the ginkgo tree into the city center. Later, they saw that the evolutionaries were all strangled by the ginkgo tree. Leaving the big ginkgo as a source of danger for a while, but simply settled near it, this is not normal in itself!

    Apart from wanting to see if this group of people can become a "neighbor" above the qualified line, they came this time to find out why they stick to the city center is also one of the purposes!


    The third floor used to be a clothing store. Qian Xin said before that when they first came here, they thought it was too much effort to tidy up the shelves and clothes, and they planned to seal it up.

    It’s just that someone later said that clothes are also necessary consumables in the future, and it’s inconvenient to use them when they’re sealed up, so they didn’t care about them for the time being. They just pushed down all the shelves and clothes, trying not to hide them, and then ignored them.

    The second floor is the living room. It has all kinds of beds, quilts and furniture. It is very convenient, so they simply remodeled it and used it as a living room...

    The first floor is a life supermarket. Because of the sudden arrival of the end of the world, Qian Xin and the others occupied this shopping mall. At the first time, all the food that can be stored for a long time was collected and locked in the warehouse. There were at least three guards in and out. They relied on the spare engine and ice storage of the supermarket, plus some short shelf life and semi-finished products that had been processed. Life.

    This lasted for half a month, until it was discovered that many animals and plants outside had undergone evolutionary mutations and were still edible, and then gradually changed this miser-like lifestyle and started cooking in the basement.

    In terms of the degree of danger, the third floor is naturally the lightest, the second floor is next, and the first floor is the worst. However, the final result of the discussion was that Hong Feng and Tian Tian went to the first floor, Sinan and Cao An were in charge of the second floor, and Yan Mu and Zhang Tong were on the second floor. Responsible for investigating the third floor, and was elected unanimously!

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