Chapter 100

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Chapter 100

    Yan Mu estimated that at their current speed, it would take about 20 minutes from here to the row of bungalows where they picked vegetables in Hongfeng. If they accelerated with all their strength, the time could be shortened by half.

    It's just that there has never been a moment when Yan Mu felt that ten minutes was as long as it is now...

    At this time, she had already put the long knife in Wu Yiqian's arms, and in the other hand was holding the knife that had just been hit by the flame wave. Qi Ruan, who was seriously injured, ran forward quickly.

    Qi Ruan is not a strengthener, and her physical fitness is just better than ordinary people. This time, her internal organs were injured, and she was vomiting blood while being carried by Yan Mu, but she was not idle: "I just The signal flares have already been set off. As long as Sinan and the others are not blind, they will be able to see the huge fire!

    "The distance between us is actually not too far. If we are all rushing to the middle, the time can be cut in half...

    "I just don't know how good the girl in the back is. So many of us can't beat her alone, right?

    " Talk nonsense!"

    Qi Ruan was still a little confused: "What attribute am I? Am I not a fire attribute?"

    "Oh, but isn't there another one..." Yan Mu's voice was also slightly panting at this time: "The crow's mouth attribute. "

    Qi Ruan: "..."


    Yan Mu has already made up her mind, and in a while, if the people behind catch up and Sinan and the others haven't shown up, she will throw Wu Yiqian down to lower her burden...

    Although The weight of more than one or two hundred catties is really nothing to her now, but if her left and right hands are occupied, how can she deal with the attack from the rear?

    Use her Foshan shadowless feet?

    In the strong wind, Wu Yiqian, who was carried by Yan Mu in the other hand, didn't know that he was about to face the fate of being abandoned. Right now, he was trying to provide them with all the information he knew...

    "The one in the back is not a girl, it's not even a person!"

    Wu Yiqian spit out the snow particles that poured into his mouth because of the speed while talking: "The few of us originally lived in the back The one in the small town not too far from the mountain city chose to flee to the mountain city because of it, bah...

    "The human beings in the whole town were killed and fled. Seeing that we couldn't escape, we had to follow and run for our lives , Bah, bah...

    "Although it has a human body, its lower body looks like a mutated plant. It can speak human words, use the ability of an elementalist, and control alien plants. It's very scary! Bah, bah Bah..."


    to Wu Yiqian's science popularization, Yan Mu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

    Thinking of the few words that "it" said to her before, it is obvious that it has its own independent consciousness and logical chain, and has a detailed knowledge of the common sense of the human world, and claims to be a sister...

    This is almost no different from human beings up!

    But Wu Yiqian said that it can control mutated plants, and it also has a lower body like a foreign plant...

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