Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 About?

    "This is a fateful encounter!"

    "Wuji is here, Wuji is gone, Zhiruo is here, and Minmin is still here..."

    "It is a gentle and beautiful plant in Jiangnan water town Water lotus, or the dazzling but stinging rose in the jungle? Mosquito blood in the hand or cinnabar mole on the heart? Sticky rice on the wall or white moonlight in front of the window...

    " What about emotional debt..."


    Sinan reached out and slapped Chen Lin's one-man show.

    Cao An, who was tall and big, was picking up the mutated vines in a ball and was about to walk over. Seeing this situation, he suddenly turned his footsteps, and suddenly distanced himself from Chen Lin again.

    Chen Lin: "..."

    He grinned and rubbed the back of his head. Seeing Sinan's dangerous expression, he swallowed all the flirty words that followed, not daring to tease Sinan any more.

    Not far away, Qi Ruan, who was carrying a small black pot, and Qi's mother, who was carrying the same big bag, had already walked towards this side.

    "Why are you here?" Qi Ruan's voice was filled with surprise, and after looking Sinan up and down, he said: "It seems that Yan Mu is right, your leg can heal itself..."

    Qi Ruan was really surprised.

    After all, she also really thinks that Sinan is the standard template for the protagonist, and it would be best if she could establish a good relationship with the protagonist while ensuring her own safety.

    As for the little friction yesterday...

    didn't they save him too? The merits and demerits equalize it!

    But Sinan's attention was on another matter: "You said her name is Yan Mu     ?


He copied over his self-introduction, and then said generously: "My name is Qi Ruan, nice to meet you, by the way, your name is... what Min?"

    Sinan: "..."

    These two girls are poisonous, right?

    For the first time, a resentful expression appeared on his face, and it took him a while to say with some difficulty: " surname is Si!"

    "Oh, Simin..."

    Qi Ruan was stunned, and then quickly brought the topic back On the right track: "By the way, Simin, have you seen Yan Mu? She lives here, and she's only half an hour ahead of us."

    Sinan: "..." Damn


    Chen Lin, who was watching the whole process from the sidelines, was already pounding the ground with laughter. The goose-like laughter was so magical that even Cao An's face twitched and looked extraordinarily ferocious. Seeing that he couldn't suppress the smile, he immediately turned his head to face the other side...

    Sinan : "..."

    Qi Ruan and Qi's mother looked at the few people who seemed to have a sudden convulsion with inexplicable faces.

    Could this man be sick?

    Sinan sighed for a long time, but in the end he gave up the idea of ​​correcting Qi Ruan's address, and pointed to the direction Yanmu had left before, and there was something unlovable in his voice: "Over there..." As

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