Chapter 118

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Chapter 118

    Yan Mu thought it was very feasible.

    So she temporarily gave up the idea of ​​searching for the space nymph that she hadn't seen on [Clearer], and pondered for a while before thinking: "This civilization can carry out long-distance interstellar voyages, and even the robots it manufactures are To be able to act independently without intelligent creatures, the technological level is likely to exceed ours by several thousand years.

    " It is obviously a trick to deal with them by studying their technology. "

    This is absolutely not advisable.

    Qi's mother snapped her fingers and said with a smile: "So the results we have researched with robots can only be used to increase the chances of survival and improve the quality of life. If we really want to counterattack, we have to do it yourself. "

    "How did we get here by ourselves?" Hong Feng couldn't help but said: "A single robot almost wiped out our entire army, the gap is too big." "

    And they survived mostly because of luck. If the robot had just escaped into the space and teleported to the sky like it did with Yanmu, they would never have stood here again.

    " No, no, you want to do this Think, if we're really no threat, then why are they sending robots all the way to clean up [Awakened? 】"

    Mother Qi shook her finger and said with a smile: "They will do this, it can only prove that we can pose a threat to their plan. The reason why it is not obvious now is because we are currently too weak. "

    Yan Mu also agreed: "The alien civilization is playing a big game of chess, so no chess pieces out of control are allowed to appear, but if there are too many chess pieces out of control, the chessboard will be overturned sooner or later. "The words of

    Yan Mu and Qi's mother greatly boosted everyone's morale, and the desperation of the past few days was instantly swept away.

    Yan Cheng'an looked at the crowd with a smile, and said at this time: "Now in the mountain city, only We and Qin Rui, who sent Su Yuan here, knew about the existence of alien civilizations. Since we have a common enemy, we can cooperate completely. "

    When Sinan heard the words, he also seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and interjected: "Qin Rui is a very smart person. After knowing that there is an alien civilization, he will definitely not sit still. I went out two days ago. It was found that he was already absorbing the evolutionist team into the safe zone.

    "I don't know if he will spread the news he got from us, but there are dragons and snakes on his side, and he has connections with the small teams that entered the mountain city later. If he wants to find a place to study biotechnology before the end of the world It should be easier to start with him."

    Sinan's words instantly attracted everyone's attention, and Yan Cheng'an even said directly: "I'll go over and discuss with him later."

    Hong Feng and Brother Baoan are also busy here . Then, the two parties discussed and said: "Then let's look for the laboratory in the university in the mountain city. The experiment must require equipment and medicine. Now the manufacturer does not produce it. We can only see if we can find some. Useful things."

    Modern laboratories, automated operations and instruments with computers as control centers have become the mainstream. These things will definitely not be available after the end of the world, and they can only do it step by step.


    When the future has a clear direction, everyone has renewed motivation.

    So it didn't take long for everyone to disperse and go about their own business, even Qi's mother was no exception. In the end, only Yan Mu Sinan and a few fuzzy furries were left in place.

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