Chapter 181 | 186

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Chapter 181

    Hey, did you hear that? "

    "What?" "

    There are rumors that...Sinan gave birth?" "

    Pfft...cough cough cough, where did you hear that?" "

    " Tsk, didn't it just two days ago, Yan Mu yelled it out himself! What the hell is this? Isn't Sinan a man? "

    "Then what, I'll give you a piece of advice, don't talk about this in front of Sinan in the future..."

    "What's wrong?" Is there some secret? Can't even mention it? "

    "Brother advises you, if you don't want to be beaten, forget about it in the future..."



    On the other side of the wall, Wu Fei hid well, listening to the people over there talking about Sinan with a suppressed smile. The gossip, Haoxuan didn't hold back his breath.

    "Okay. "Tian Tian glanced at him speechlessly, and reminded: "I warn you, stay calm, Sinan broke through to the fifth level two days ago, if you annoy him now, the two of us combined can't beat him he. "

    Pfft ha ha ha..."

    Wu Fei burst out laughing, clutching his stomach for a long time before saying, "Didn't Yan Mu's [Sinan gave birth] stimulated him to break through?" If it is based on his own strength, it will take at least half a month. He is unstable now, so he may not be able to beat us hahahaha..."

    Speaking of this, Tian Tian's eyelids twitched, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

    Yes, Sinan broke through, breaking through to five Jie, was called a breakthrough by Yan Mu's outburst [Sinan gave birth] a few days ago.

    Since that day, in only a few days, there have been seven or eight people talking about it behind their backs. After being heard by Si Nan, these gossip guys were beaten up in sacks in the middle of the night...

    After all, being so angry that they broke through is quite curious...

    Thinking of this, Tian Tian was so sullen that she froze her face, looked around with some lingering fear, and was relieved when she didn't sense anyone nearby, then kicked Wu Fei, and said speechlessly: "Okay, stop laughing." , I agreed to accompany me to see Haitang’s kitten, don’t delay.” Not to

    mention, she met Sinan once during her shift two days ago, and seeing his state at that time, she was stunned. I didn't dare to go up and talk to him.


    In fact, the source of the rumors is also easy to understand. It wasn't Sinan who gave birth, but Begonia.

    Haitang continued the good tradition of the prince and Lizi, and gave birth to an only daughter, a cute little raccoon flower.

    If they hadn't known that cats couldn't fertilize themselves, there were no other cihua cats around, and Xiao Hei was very attentive, they would almost have thought that this kitten was born to Haitang's own cat.

    They have never seen the kitten cub, but according to those who have seen it, this little guy has nothing in common with Xiao Hei from start to finish.

    Yan Mu attaches great importance to the kitten he delivered with his own hands. These days, he basically takes care of the mother and daughter next to Haitang's cat litter in his clothes. Not to mention Zizhulu, even the jade lotus petals are given to it. Bitten a small gap.

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