Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Obviously, this person is not Si Nan.

    When he realized this, Yan Mu let out a long sigh of relief.

    She met Si Nan twice, and he was calling for help both times!

    Yan Mu doesn't think it's fate, she just feels that Si Nan is a bit unlucky...

    For this kind of person with a natural personality that is weak, Yan Mu still feels that the farther away the better.

    Thinking of this, she also felt better, squatting two meters away from the unconscious man to observe his condition.


    The comatose man's appearance can only be considered ordinary. He looks about forty, but he has a very good figure. He is 1.8 meters tall, with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. He has a strong figure and gives people a great sense of oppression .

    But at this moment, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was as pale as paper, his lips were chapped and bleeding, and the white shirt on his body was also stained dark red by the blood. The fluctuation of his chest was very weak, as if it would stop completely in the next second.     Moreover, Yan Mu also saw broken white wine bottles around his body, and a pungent smell lingered around, almost completely dispelling the bloody smell from this man's body.     Yan Mu felt that the reason why he was able to remain in a coma until now was probably thanks to these bottles of liquor.     If the pungent smell of liquor hadn't covered up his own bloody smell, he would have been eaten by mutant creatures with a more sensitive sense of smell after evolution!     It's just that Yan Mu stared at him for a long time, but he didn't see where the blood was flowing     ...     At this moment, Qi Ruan beside her gently tugged at the corner of her clothes, with a hesitant expression on his face: "We need to help Is it?"     For the first time in his life, Qi Ruan felt that the words describing the end-time scene in the novel were so weak.     If it is to save someone, if the other person is not clear about whether the other person is good or bad, or what his behavior style is, if this person has bad intentions, wouldn't these three women be the little lambs sent to the door?

    But if he doesn't save him, it's useless to fight the demon spirit now, so why should he just wait here to die?

    In the current situation where the end of the world is approaching and the kindness and conscience of human beings have not completely collapsed, she really can't ignore it.

    Thinking of this, Qi Ruan felt even more embarrassed, and murmured after a while: "Why don't we move him to a cool place next to him, leave some food and water for him, and then go."

    She didn't want to put her own safety on the line. Human nature, to do this step is already benevolent and righteous!


    Yan Mu didn't know that Qi Ruan had thought so much in such a short period of time, because she was thinking about another thing at the

    moment...But after a while, she suddenly stepped forward, holding the pressure cooker in one hand Covering the position of the chest and abdomen, the other hand let go of the wooden stick that had not been removed from the back kitchen of the cafeteria of Haicheng University, and slowly stretched it towards the neck of the unconscious man.

    Before Qi Ruan had time to speak, Yan Mu had already made a quick move, like lightning, grabbing the back of the unconscious man's neck in just a split second.

    Qi Ruan was startled, and somehow felt a chill in her neck.

    I always feel that this movement looks familiar...

    And then, Yan Mu stretched out one hand like this, and lifted the unconscious man up bit by bit!

    Qi Ruan: "..."

    Damn it!

    Blind my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!

    She and Yan Mu are also awakened, so why can she still only suffocate a small flame that can be extinguished by blowing, and Yan Mu can pull up the weeping willow?

    The difference is too big!

    After maintaining this position for about ten seconds, Yan Mu put down the big man in his hand contentedly, turned his head to look at Qi Ruan, and said with a smile: "Now the world is full of mutated creatures, if we can transfer him to his own home, I'm afraid he will only have a pile of bones left in half a day!"

    Being able to feel the power he possesses more intuitively, Yan Mu is indeed in a good mood.

    Moreover, she now feels that she can really poke Qi Ruan to death with one finger!


    But Qi Ruan didn't seem to hear anything, just looked at Yan Mu intently, and then at a certain moment, suddenly reached out and poked Yan Mu's arm lightly.

    Hmm...soft, creamy, and quite bouncy!

    Do not! That's not the point!

    Yan Muhaoxuan, who was suddenly poked at his hand, didn't slap it out, but after reacting, he felt very speechless: "... What are you doing?"

    "Shh, don't talk..." Qi Ruan murmured in a low voice. After a while, he looked up, looked at Yan Mu and said solemnly: "Come on, you should still transform, right? Come on Pikachu, let us see your real strength!"

    Grass can eat meat, and

    animals are going to eat people.

    Even Yan Mu, who looks like she can fall with a single poke, has become a super Saiyan...

    She thinks that if this world is more magical, he can be called a magical Digimon!

    Yan? Pikachu? Mu: "..."

    The author has something to say: I have something to say

    today, so I will send you a short guy first, okay, I will make a big deal for you by entering v.

    Now go to give out red envelopes, I love you~

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