Chapter 132

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Chapter 132

    Sinan has been curious about the "little movie" that Yan Mu talked about countless times...

    But so far, among all the people, there are only Yan Mu himself and the "awakened one" who was lucky enough to be selected by this ginkgo tree Su Yuan has personally experienced this special situation.

    He also thought about whether they had to burn incense, bathe and pray devoutly before they could get a glimpse of the true face of that miraculous scene, given that Yanmu's humble prayers had not been answered during this period of time.

    It's just that he couldn't guess it no matter what, this time he just gently supported the tree trunk with his hands, and was pulled into the scene like this


    At this moment, looking at the nearby jungle and the white snow in the distance The mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, and the clear touch of the cool wind blowing across his cheeks, if Sinan didn't have the memory of chatting with Yan Mu and Qi Ruan by the ginkgo tree just now, he would almost think that he was suddenly The space teleported to the jungle they had entered.

    "How is this a small movie..." Sinan couldn't help muttering, "It's clearly an 8K high-definition VR movie!"

    Before the end of the world, the concepts of VR movies and VR games gradually entered the public eye. , I also went to that kind of VR experience hall twice.

    After wearing VR glasses, the picture presented in the field of view is indeed very realistic, but if compared with the picture in front of you, it is almost the gap between smooth 360p and high-definition Blu-ray?

    It feels exactly like standing in that jungle in person!


    It was also at this time that Sinan suddenly heard a loud noise, and when he turned his head to look, he saw that Yan Mu was thrown away by a flick of the tail of the big snake, squirting blood in mid-air .

    Si Nan couldn't help feeling tense.

    As expected, it was exactly as Yan Mu said, she didn't even make a move under this big snake!


    Looking at Yan Mu who once again avoided the giant snake's mouth at the cost of a broken bone, Sinan's heart seemed to be clenched suddenly, and even his breathing became short of breath at this moment.

    Obviously knowing that these things have already happened, Yan Mu is still standing outside, but when Sinan saw this picture, his heart still tightened.

    So realistic!

    But this situation didn't last long. When Yan Mu was knocked into the air again and his consciousness became blurred, something happened suddenly!

    Sinan saw that Yan Mu, whose eyes were almost completely closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils almost turned golden yellow at this one, and at the moment when the snake's mouth came again, her right hand was on the back of the hand. , pieces of golden scales suddenly emerged, and then grew wildly, and finally covered the entire right arm, which looked like a golden arm at first glance.

    Then. The pain on her face suddenly disappeared, and her complexion also became calm at this moment. The moment before she took a big bite, she suddenly stretched out her palm, accurately inserted it into the snake's mouth, and grabbed one of its fangs.

    Before the big flood snake could react, a look of shock appeared in its pale yellow eyes, but before it could react, Yan Mu's hand snapped off, breaking off its fangs abruptly .

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