Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    Two days later...

    Early morning, outside the mountain city.

    Long before the emergence of the end of the world, the mountain city was already known as the city of fog.

    During the rainy season, that is, when there is heavy rain, the whole city will be wrapped in thick white mist, which inexplicably matches a sentence describing myopia on the Internet before the end of the world...

    Five meters away, six relatives do not recognize each other, ten meters away There is no distinction between humans and animals!

    At this time, outside the mountain city, on the road almost completely covered by plants, a Wuling Hongguang that looked like it was forcibly put together was slowly moving forward.

    It is like an old man who is dying, he has to tremble twice and emit a burst of black smoke after walking a few hundred meters. After a while, it let out a desperate roar like "before death", and then stopped on the spot and emitted black smoke. The smoke stopped.

    A few minutes later, Chen Lin got out of the car, opened the front hood to check the situation, then turned to Sinan in the driver's seat and showed a stiff smile as if he was about to cry: "This time... probably it's really broken. !"

    The road conditions in this world are really bad now, and they were able to tinker and continue to use it after something went wrong before, but now...

    they really tried their best!


    Actually, in terms of tolerance, Wuling Hongguang is not much lower than Yanmu's one-million-speed cross-country car.

    However, Yan Mu went directly back to the mountain city at the beginning, so the damage to the car was relatively small, but Sinan and the others changed their route halfway and took a long detour because they were looking for someone. The road is getting more and more difficult every day.

    It is also because of this that the current wear and tear of this car far exceeds that of Yanmu's off-road, so that now Yanmu's car can still pull goods, but Wuling Hongguang has died directly...

    At this time, in the car, except for Si Nan and Cao An and Mr. Chen, three In addition, the new faces that appeared were Cao An's mother and the illusionist named Zhang Tong.

    Cao An was lucky. After returning to the small town, he quickly found his mother who had been hiding at home for almost half a month.

    The only regret is that within the 24-hour time limit, Mother Cao failed to find a mutated mouse or cockroach that gave experience in time, so now she is the only non-evolved person in the entire team.

    And the illusionist didn't dare to continue to follow Yan Mu after being tricked by Zhao Bo, no matter how thick-skinned he was.

    Because he knew very well in his heart that he was an evolutionary, but due to the attribute of awakening ability, the real strength against the enemy was not even as good as a zero-level enhancer, so after Yan Mu left, he increased his strength even more. Losing the strength to entangle Sinan and his party, he followed behind them, not daring to leave for a moment.

    For some reason, after Zhang Tong's low-riding BMW car broke down, Sinan let him get into the car and tacitly allowed him to join the team.


    At this moment, after hearing Chen Lin's words, Sinan Chang sighed, opened the car door and got out of the car. He looked up at the man in the distance that was shrouded in thick fog and could only faintly see a vague outline. Jucheng spread his hands, and said helplessly, "It's not too far away, let's walk into the city."

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