Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

    A week later... In the

    mountain city, in the evening, in the industrial park, on the tall and solid wall built by Yan Cheng'an, Tian Tian, ​​Zhao Bo and others.

    Feeling the increasingly cold temperature recently, even as a strengthener, Cao An couldn't help but feel a chill that seemed to penetrate to the bone marrow.

    He shrank his neck, and took advantage of some bulges deliberately left on the inner wall of the wall, and jumped onto the wall more than ten meters high in three or two moves.

    Creaking and creaking on the snow on the fence, he approached Zhang Tong cautiously, and asked in a low voice, "Is there anything unusual?" To

    this day, it is just like this wall that has experienced five or six beast hordes. Like a wall that has become solid, Zhang Tong has already found his position, and no longer demands himself on the basis of his strength on the battlefield.

    His weapons are not fists, but eyes!

    So at this time, he just turned his head slightly, and after a while, his lavender eyes continued to fall on the snow-covered jungle in the distance.

    "The third batch today, and the twenty-fourth batch since this time..." He said indifferently: "And many people have already discovered our safe zone, but they dare not come here for a while because they see this fence as scary. !"

    Speaking of this, Zhang Tong couldn't help but began to ask: "What happened outside? Has any city been destroyed by violent mutated creatures? Why are there so many refugees?" As

    he spoke, he Turning his head to look at Cao An: "I remember that Yan Muyou said to catch a few 'tongues' and interrogate first, did you catch them? Did you get the result?"

    During this time, because of the unstable situation outside, he has always been the one He and a hearing enhancer from Brother Baoan are on duty in shifts, and occasionally Wu Fei and Qi Ruan, who are wearing big quilts, will also help out, but after all, there is still not much free time, so he has not paid attention to Guo Yanmu for a long time. Did something happen again?

    Yes, they were talking about refugees just now!


    It's just that I don't know if it's luck or Yan Mu really has that kind of sensitivity. In short, as long as she made a decision along the way, she basically made no mistakes.

    Everyone was convinced of her decision. After returning from the city center, they started the preparations before moving without any discount, and it was from this time that these refugees entered the mountain city one after another.

    They looked panic-stricken, as if some terrifying existence was chasing after them. Some of them stayed when they saw that the environment of the mountain city was safe, and some of them passed the mountain city and continued to run     ... , Most of them escaped from the coastal cities." Cao Anchang sighed, his expression couldn't stop being dignified: "They said...the sea beasts came ashore!"     Zhang Tong was stunned for a moment.     …     On Earth, the oceans cover 71% of the Earth!     Human beings have developed to the present and have begun the process of conquering space. On the surface of the earth, almost all areas on land have already had human exploration footprints.     Deserts, wastelands, rainforests, polar regions, glaciers, including Mount Everest.     It can be said that as long as it is unexpected, there is no human being who cannot go.     Only the ocean, human beings know less than one ten-thousandth of its area.     The deepest trench exceeds 10,000 meters. It is an area where the water pressure is so strong that even submarines cannot detect it. No one knows whether there are still traces of life under such river banks and strong pressure?     Not to mention other creatures in the ocean that are either highly poisonous, powerful, or have some strange abilities. Zhang Tong really can't imagine that after global evolution, it is said that the heart and blood vessels can allow an adult to freely enter and exit creatures such as blue whales. How strong will it be now!     Moreover, over the years, humans, especially the two Asian countries not far from the Land of Tenglong, have been driving ocean-going fishing boats to catch sharks, whaling, and even dolphins every year. Seal Festival with the theme of hunting seals!

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