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【What the writer wants to say:】

Little angels, I am going to try to enter V in the next chapter, everyone will not abandon stupid authors...

I am so hardworking, don't leave me behind! ! ! (Erkang hands!)



Looking at Gu Ran's expression, Yu Huan knew that his provocation against Wu Fei was not in vain.

What Wu Fei did with this move was the kind of relationship he had known for more than ten years, and the childhood filter of his childhood sweetheart, which he smashed to pieces in one fell swoop.

Oh, I'm such a little genius~~~

Xiao Tiancai is nestled in his new home, happily taking one-on-one tutoring lessons, but Wu Fei is having a hard time.

At first, he was eager to get the video and destroy Yu Huan, so he gritted his teeth, emptied all his small coffers, and beat the person who gave the money to the lion.

But Gu Ran, who sincerely wanted to teach him a lesson, how could he let him go so easily?

So soon, he received a second message.

This time it's not asking for a price increase, but a blatant blackmail!

The 100,000 yuan paid in advance to that group of people was cash from Wu Fei, so Gu Rancha had nothing to check.

However, it is almost impossible to erase all traces of the transaction of a total of one million yuan under the situation of Gu Ran's intense marking.

And these traces directly became the handle of his being blackmailed.

Wu Fei was trembling with anger, but fortunately he was not stupid, he realized after a little thought, those who have the guts to cheat him like this would definitely not be the group of rubbish who take money to do things!

Seeing that he saw through, Gu Ran didn't bother to act anymore.

He made an appointment and asked Wu Fei to go to the appointment alone with the money.

Wu Fei obeyed on the surface, but in fact he arranged for two bodyguards to follow behind him secretly.

It's a pity that such two people were detained by Gu Ran's men without any effort.

Seeing that the person who asked him out was Gu Ran, Wu Fei panicked and turned around to run away.

Gu Ran waved his hand, and the people behind him immediately came forward to catch him.

Seeing those big men put a long safety rope on himself, Wu Fei immediately turned his head and looked at the bungee jumping platform not far away.

He understood Gu Ran's intention almost instantly.

"Ah Ran... What are you doing? Don't be kidding, okay... You know, you know that I have a serious fear of heights. What I am most afraid of is this kind of high-altitude extreme sports!"

He shrank, trying to hide in the opposite direction of the bungee jumping platform, but the hands of the group of bodyguards were like iron arms, pushing him onto the bungee jumping platform without any explanation.

The blood on his face faded in an instant, and his voice became crying, but the face of the person he begged for remained as hard as iron, and he didn't say a word.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the bodyguards realized that their employer didn't seem to change their minds, so they pushed forward hard.


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