132 Your highness, you need me.

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【What the writer wants to say:】

Goodnight little angels...


On the stone road in the setting sun, horseshoes gallop, don't worship officials, don't avoid people, and the city is always busy.

A group of people turned their backs on their backs, and some people cursed angrily, "How dare you ride a horse in a busy city? I'm going to report to the police!"

An old man held him back, looked at the back of the galloping horse, frowned and said in a low voice, "Don't mess around, that's an urgent report from the border, something must have happened."

The Great Yu Dynasty had been in peace for twenty years. Once the war broke out again, all the ministers of the government were called into the palace overnight to discuss behind closed doors, until the time of Haishi when the palace gate was reopened.

Under the dark night, Yu Huan was dressed in the crown prince's crown, striding forward with strides, his robe fluttering, and all the palace people bowed their heads and kept silent when they saw it, avoiding walking far away.

Everyone knows that the current grandson is no longer the little grandson of ten years ago, laughing and laughing, playing and playing in the palace corridor, and even dragging the little maid to call her sister.

The moment he put on the crown prince's crown, he held up the majesty of the prince prince, and his biological father also bowed his head when he saw him.

Gu Han followed closely behind, looking at the thin young man's back, thinking of the upcoming separation, in a daze, as if the years had never passed.

Although his little son will no longer hold his hand and hug his shoulders in public, regardless of everyone's eyes, as he did when he was a child, but he knows that this person's heart has never changed, especially in front of him.

For example, right now, his little prince is angry with him.

The door of the room slammed shut in front of him with a "bang", Gu Han touched the nose that almost hit it, and heard the sound of "squeaking" water soon sounded from the side hall, and stood obediently outside the door, guarding the door for the grandson , waiting to be summoned.

This is what he has been doing all the time, but in the past, he was always at the other side's bed, watching the night through a screen.

The barbarians had already made changes, the court was vigilant day by day, and food and grass had already been prepared.

He is going to leave tomorrow, and he will join his righteous brother to help the frontier to fight against the barbarians. The date of his return is uncertain, and many things that should be explained should be explained as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would have too many words in his heart, and he would not be able to finish talking.

He was even more afraid that when he came back, the boy would hold another woman's hand, loving and affectionate.

Just thinking about such a picture, the murderous intent in his heart is like a tidal beast, almost swallowing him.

But he had to leave again. He knew his mission to stay by the young man's side, and he also knew that the young man needed a sharp knife to cut through the thorns and thorns for him.

And he still needs polishing.

There are talented people under the emperor's command. He must make himself sharper and irreplaceable, so that he can always firmly occupy the most important and conspicuous position beside the opponent.

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