107 Declare the existence of your lover openly.

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【What the writer wants to say:】

Gu Yang: Are you surprised or surprised?

Wu Fei: Dog man! Die ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !


Because of the halo of 4S, overnight, Gu Yang had a lot of Mu Qiang's fans.

Even if there are still some voices of doubt, these people will scramble to speak up for him.

Even the more others slander, the more angry and unwavering the fans will be.

Especially not long after the conferring ceremony, the public relations department and the royal family announced that Gu Yang was about to go to the front line to fight for the country.

For thousands of years, human beings have suffered from the ravages of insect races. Therefore, in the eyes of the public, soldiers with only military ranks are completely different from soldiers who shed blood and sweat for the country.

The former can still be criticized by everyone, but the latter, if there are no major flaws in public morality, absolutely cannot be slandered.

The law doesn't allow it, and the people don't want it.

Before the army left, the royal family specially held a farewell banquet for Gu Yang.

"A lot of people..."

Looking at the banquet hall with people coming and going, as well as the people who wanted to chat with them as soon as they stepped into the door, Yu Huan said secretly.

Gu Yang put his arms around his shoulders, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

He brought Yu Huan here because he originally wanted to announce the existence of his lover openly, so that no one would underestimate his father, but he ignored his simple heart and whether he could adapt to such a frivolous occasion.

Fortunately, at this time, the third prince came up to meet him, bringing his omega sister, the seventh princess, with him.

On such occasions, what Gu Yang needs to know are the young talents of the military department and the children of military and political families, while Yu Huan, the wives and wives of their own families, needs him to take care of them.

Looking at Yu Huan who was not far away, trying to integrate himself into the group, Gu Yang frowned and refused to turn his eyes away.

Seeing this, the third prince joked: "That's enough, you, your Omega has been a major general for more than ten years. In terms of experience and intelligence, who is not better than you? And my sister is taking him, so no one will embarrass him." Yes, put your heart in your stomach. Go, I will take you to meet people, everyone has been curious about you for a long time."

As he spoke, he forcibly pulled the person to the other side.

Gu Yang walked along with his strength, but turned his head three times a step.

Seeing his attitude, he originally planned to introduce his own Omega to his family, but immediately changed his mind.

There is a saying that a flower cannot be popular for a hundred days, and a person cannot be happy for a thousand days.

People are very affectionate, so there is no need to rush for a while.

The aristocratic families are sophisticated, knowledgeable and interesting, but not all of them have this vision.

Seeing the well-dressed Jian Fei, Gu Yang unexpectedly felt a sense of absurdity that was both unexpected and reasonable.

The third prince explained in his ear:

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