Chapter 122

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Who knew that Shao Shuhui ran so fast, but because of a small miss, she fell into the river.

The weather is not cold now, and people are not afraid of freezing if they fall into the river, but Shao Shuhui obviously can't swim, and when she falls into the river, she starts to thump in panic.

"Help, help..."

Shao Shuhui struggled in the river and shouted.

If seeing this scene in modern times, people who can swim must jump directly to save people without hesitation.

But this is ancient times, where skin-to-skin dating is important. If you fall into the river, you may have to save a daughter-in-law, or the concubine will go home.

Just like when Qiao Xu fell in love with Zhao Lixuan, there were still many battles in the backyard, so he liked to use the trick of falling into the water to seek marriage.

Skin-to-skin contact is responsible.

It's true that Du Xuankang and the others are dandies, but they are not the kind who will always come and refuse.

The most important thing is that Shao Shuhui is a court lady. According to the rules, the three thousand beauties in the harem belong to the emperor. If they met Shao Shuhui, what if the family's political opponents used them as a weapon against the family and wronged them to have private affairs with the court lady?

For a while, none of Du Xuankang and the others jumped down to save the victim.

Of course, it was impossible for Yuzhu to save him, not to mention that Shao Shuhui wanted to harm him just now, and he couldn't swim either.

Because this place was specially chosen by Shao Shuhui and Qiu Yelin, and there were no other passers-by around asking for help, everyone was at a loss for what to do.

Mo Yunlang: "What should I do? She doesn't seem to be able to swim, she's about to drown."

Lu Mingpeng: "Who are you going to save? Anyway, I can't go. You all know how fierce my wife is!"

Tian Xiuze: "I can't do it either. I will definitely take her home after I am saved. I just got engaged, and now I bring a concubine home. What do my father-in-law and mother-in-law think of me? I will be raised by my wife in the future!"

Du Xuankang: "I can't go either. You all know that my father doesn't like me. If I get involved with this court lady, my father might want me to marry her as his wife, and ruin my future!"

The four dandies are not stupid, they act bravely when they see justice, and they still have to do what they can.

They will not continue to rush forward for things that cannot bear the consequences.

Shao Shuhui thumping in the river:! ! !

Yuzhu standing next to her: ...

Although the speech was quite insane, but what he said was indeed correct.

But it's not good to watch people drown like that.

In the end there was no way.

The four dandies used their wit and wit to get a long trunk from a nearby tree and stretch it into the river so that Shao Shuhui could grab the trunk and climb up to the river by himself.

It is impossible to save people by themselves, and they don't want to marry this little maid back home.

Shao Shuhui: ...

Shao Shuhui in the river had no choice but to cry and curse these dandies and inhumane in his heart, while bursting out of potential and desperately grabbing the tree trunk to save himself.

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